

New Member
My Rusty sent me flowers at work today. He's such a good egg.

After 3 1/2 years, he knows what I like. I don't like roses, but instead a bouquet that smells really good and has Stargazer lillies in it. That's a must. :)

Ladies, what kind of flowers do you like to get? Men, what kind of flowers do you think your women like?
When I get my girlfriend (of 4 years) flowers, I usually try to get them depending on her mood. If she's happy, something simple and attractive, if she's sad, something bright and cheery.

Never roses. She's never really liked roses.
i don't need flowers. I DO however need people to reply to my PMs! I'mlookin at YOU Prof!
Any and all kinds of flowers, cut or potted. (hint hint Ards ;) )

Actually Ards and I give each other flowers on a fairly regular basis.
I had a stalker when I was 19. She sent me a dozen long stem roses at work. Then another dozen at home. Along with a note that chilled my bones. My skin still crawls at the thought.
Prof: That always happens when people send me PMs but i still get them!
My hunny occassionaly surprises me with flowers for no reason ... gotta love him. I love any kind of flowers he gets me.

What I really like though is plants too! He gave me two potted pakalana plants (Chinese violets) for my birthday last year and planted them for me. It's my favorite flowery smell in the world!!
I like potted too, violets especially, but if it has to be cut, carnations are nice to get, they last a long time! :) I don't like roses because they go off so quickly.
*reading birthday post*

oh, duh ... now I know why you got flowers. Anything special planned for later? :)