
Well-Known Member
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Nothing to top off xmas like watching Garcia bitch slap TO. 23-7, it was a blow out. First time I've been able to see a football game from start to end since some of the pre-season games in August, and it was glorious.

It was indescribably awesome. I had forgotten how awesome football really is. I totally dug the 2004-2005 Eagles, then 2005-2006 they sucked and I got frustrated by all the losing, then spring and summer came and I forgot about it, and then I was working too much to watch a lot of football.

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D


*My last year of Eagles, next year I'll be in college firmly in Giants territory.
:toast: :toast: :toast: :toast: :toast: :toast: :toast: :toast: :toast:

Nothing to top off xmas like watching Garcia bitch slap TO.
I totally dug the 2004-2005 Eagles, then 2005-2006 they sucked and I got frustrated by all the losing

1. Garcia wishes. He's so FABULOUS!!!

2. Gotta support the team
ug, the raiders are going to ruin brady "goldenboy" quinn for good.

Two things need to happen:

1. They need to draft some good offensive linemen.
2. He needs to not hold on to the ball for 20 minutes.

If those things had happened this year, I think 6-10 or 8-8 would have been realistic. The defense actually played extremely well, but with that many turnovers and three-and-outs the other team will score eventually. Even then, they haven't been blown out except in a few of the games.
Woohoo. Our third string QB smoked Atlanta like a bowl.

AND the worst team in the NFL beat that whiny little bitch TO.
The defense actually played extremely well, but with that many turnovers and three-and-outs the other team will score eventually.

12 offensive TDs....ALL YEAR. The lowest since the NFL implemented a 16 game schedule in 1978.
Woohoo. Our third string QB smoked Atlanta like a bowl.

AND the worst team in the NFL beat that whiny little bitch TO.
A 4th and goal failure to send the game to overtime rates as 'smoked like a bowl'? It was a near thing. Philly was in control... but never dominated. I will put down your hyperbole as youth and adrenaline.
Well, our starting quarterback has been injured all season and our second string QB sat out for most of the game, so it's kinda sad that all our shitty players still managed to beat them.
They were beat in the mind after week 8.

We were running an armada of second-stringers ourselves. Vick took it up the ass early with an ankle roll and half of our defensive starters have been out since week 3. Its been... hard to watch.