Flying dog turd takes to the friendly skies


Well-Known Member
It seems that there was this piece of shit balloon artwork, in the shape of a giant dog turd, on display at a museum when it broke loose and took to the friendly skies for a few moments. Gives a new perspective to the shit hitting the fan.

Flying piece of art causes museum chaos in Switzerland

Aug 11 03:26 PM US/Eastern

A giant inflatable dog turd by American artist Paul McCarthy blew away from an exhibition in the garden of a Swiss museum, bringing down a power line and breaking a greenhouse window before it landed again, the museum said Monday.

The art work, titled "Complex S(expletive..)", is the size of a house. The wind carried it 200 metres (yards) from the Paul Klee Centre in Berne before it fell back to Earth in the grounds of a children's home, said museum director Juri Steiner.

The inflatable turd broke the window at the children's home when it blew away on the night of July 31, Steiner said. The art work has a safety system which normally makes it deflate (fart -j) when there is a storm, but this did not work when it blew away.

Steiner said McCarthy had not yet been contacted and the museum was not sure if the piece (of shit - j) would be put back on display.

Copyright AFP 2008
he's not the only one. lots of people have trouble with loose turds. seems to correlate with both age and use of certain diet products.
All the dog turds around my house just lay there (well except for the ones they actually eat).
I like the idea George Carlin had- mix a bunch of rubber bands in with your dog's regular food. When he shits, the turd will likely have a loop of rubber band sticking out of it somewhere, so you can pick it up by the rubber band loop and fling it into your neighbor's yard!
"See these people, kid? Average, normal citizens... I hate 'em". - Harry Dean Stanton in
Repo Man