Food that looks like dried, lightly-dusted excrement.


New Member
My mum just got back from Malaysia with the usual load of dried shite for us to eat. I can't get enough of the stuff. :D


poo.jpg, 138.17kb

I swear, it's all delicious... :D

*passes Scanty a soon-mui, or however the fuck you spell it*
insert penis here said:
I swear, it's all delicious... :D

*passes Scanty a soon-mui, or however the fuck you spell it*

looks like the li-hing mui and stuff that you can get here. :licklips:
Looks like the molasses/ginger ball cookies grandma makes :D If you can get around what they look like and the fact that they're rock hard, they're really pretty good! :choclate:

MuFu - stick that puppy in the middle of a cut orange *mouth watering* ... yummy ... I took some to Unc back in June ... he ... well, let's just say he didn't care for it :D
nalani said:

MuFu - stick that puppy in the middle of a cut orange *mouth watering* ... yummy ... I took some to Unc back in June ... he ... well, let's just say he didn't care for it :D

Yeah, most of my friends are like that. It stinks and it looks like shit so they don't eat it. I can't really blame them.... I think you need to be force fed it from a young age.

I might get a few samples together and we can have a "Guess Which Fruit This Used To Be" thread. :)

That orange thing sounds interesting. :circle:
hehehe .. I think one of the reasons Unc didn't like it was because of the way I told him to eat it .. I told him "there are two ways to eat these .. you can nibble at it little by little ... or you can just pop it in your mouth!" and I popped one in my mouth ... so he did the same and his face turned about 16 shades of red :D

you can also toss it in a cut lemon .. it takes the bitter edge off ...

also, try sticking a few in a bottle of tequila and leaving it there for about a week ... yummmmmmmmmy ...

oh ... and mix shoyu (what's the english word for that ... hmm... :confuse3: oh yeah .. soy sauce) ... mix that with white distilled vinegar, a bit of sugar and pepper then toss the seeds in there and let sit over night .. lovely ...
the wife likes going to an eastern deli that's near her work. some of the stuff she gets there is really :nuts2:

best bit is that you can virtually guarantee that it tastes better than it looks :D
I used to like sticking it in tequilla too ... that was when my stomach could handle tequilla though.

Get it in powder form, and you can sprinkle it on anything ... pineapple, oranges ... makes a great margarita!!