Football is on the horizon


New Member
American football, that is.

The preseason kicks off in about 10 days time and real action is 5 weeks away. Right now my love/hate relationship with the Falcons is turning to a nightmare. Vick is out; Joey Harrington is in. Warrick Dunn (running back) just had back surgery and is expected to miss half the season. They've lost defensive key players and their best receiver to injury or stupidity. The team is reeling so bad that most preseason power polls have them dropping right to the bottom four out of 32 teams. Its a complete nightmare where I really don't see the Falcons doing better than 3-13. The three worse ranked teams (Lions, Browns, Raiders) have all made bold moves in the right direction. A new coach and a new QB and a new system all sorta rushed together is just a setup for being a dead fish.

How is your team looking? Whom do you see having a shockingly good or bad year?
I'm a Raiders and Cowboys fan. Now that Carr got shoved away from the Texans, I don't have to pretend to like them anymore. Of course, if the Texans have no O-line again, it doesn't matter one bit who's QB.

The Cowboys will probably hold steady about where they finished last year, and I think the Raiders will win somewhere between 5 and 7 games.
My heart lies with Oakland but I'll bandwagon with the Colts for awhile.
Oow look a thread I haven't posted inane drivel in....

"So why IS that football on the horizon?"
Because Sebastian Janikowski kicked it that far... now if only chip-shot FGs weren't so dicey with him :grumble:
The last few seasons in the NFC South, the team finishing last the year before wins the next year. Tampa was last in 2006. I like the trend.

Actually, I see the Aints winning this division and my beloved Bucs sneaking in as a wild card IF Jeff Garcia has anything like the season he had last year in Philly. Cadillac needs a tune up, and I think Gruden is capable of doing it. The defense ain't what it once was (we all get older...) but drafting Gaines Adams is a step in the right direction.

My gut tells me this is the year of the Charger. But I'm gonna be watching the Ravens mighty closely. McNair is as good a QB as Trent Dilfer was, and Dilfer has a ring. One of the elite defenses in the NFL and an upgrade at RB. Pittsburg will be down, the Browns will be the Browns, and the Bangles may need to sign Burt Reynolds to field a prison team.

I expect the 49ers to contend for the NFC West. They'll be better this year. Frank Gore is a monster, and Alex Smith should be enough to keep from losing a couple close games here and there. Watch for the Giants to collapse in a tight division, and the Jets to challenge the Pats too. Lastly, look for Favre to really show his age and cost the Pack a shot at the playoffs. It's been a great ride, Brett. The Monday Night Football broadcast booth is yours whenever you're ready pal. Maintain some dignity and ride off into the sunset.
J-E-T-S Jets, Jets, Jets!!

I think they've got a pretty good shot to make the playoffs this year (he said for the umpteenth year in a row).
I have officially ditched the Falcon's this year. I am done rooting for the home team for no other reason than they are the home team and I love Warrick Dunn...
Go Saints and Raiders and then perhaps the Steelers!
J-E-T-S Jets, Jets, Jets!!

I think they've got a pretty good shot to make the playoffs this year (he said for the umpteenth year in a row).

Bring it. You guys are still at least 2 years away from even competing in the AFC East. Now, my beloved Patriots on the other hand, can finally throw the long ball and don't have to rely on the dink and dunk routine. And I know our secondary is a "little" dicey at the moment, but in general I am a happy camper right now. As long as we beat the effing colts, I don't care. God dammit i hate Peyton Manning so much. He is reaching Jeteresque levels with me right now.
The Cardinals were the only team to get an A+ rating with their draft picks. Apparently they got the best people for their weakest areas. They went from darn near dead last in the power rankings straight up to #20. Its still not the top half... but coming up a full 33% isn't half bad. They actually might go 8-8 this year.
Bring it. You guys are still at least 2 years away from even competing in the AFC East. Now, my beloved Patriots on the other hand, can finally throw the long ball and don't have to rely on the dink and dunk routine. And I know our secondary is a "little" dicey at the moment, but in general I am a happy camper right now. As long as we beat the effing colts, I don't care. God dammit i hate Peyton Manning so much. He is reaching Jeteresque levels with me right now.


[sung with feeling]I say ya got trouble (trouble, trouble)
Right there in Foxboro City
With a capital "M"
Which don't rhyme with shit
But certainly stands for "Moss."[/sung with feeling]

A few months from now you'll be saying, "Well, at least it wasn't Terrell Owens."

[sung with feeling]I say ya got trouble (trouble, trouble)
Right there in Foxboro City
With a capital "M"
Which don't rhyme with shit
But certainly stands for "Moss."[/sung with feeling]

A few months from now you'll be saying, "Well, at least it wasn't Terrell Owens."

I dunno. Either he is a really good actor, or he really does want to be with Patriots. I mean think about it, he has enough money right now so that is not a concern, he has a real QB now as opposed to Aaron Brooks or whoever the Raiders picked off the street for the week, and he will have enough options because teams are going to be stressed to double team him vs. stallworth. Now, I will never argue that with those two guys on the sidelines, there will be some funky smoke hanging over them from all the :trippy: , but I still think we will be in pretty good shape...
Healthy, and if they stay that way my Seahawks should be able to run the table in the NFC. Had we been healthy last year I've no doubt we'd have whooped the Bears. The key is staying healthy. Shaun Alexander is the real key. I doubt we have much to worry about with our depth at reciever and Hasselbeck is a workhorse.

Oh and about the AZ Tards, they will not be a threat once again Put down the cup and back away from the koolaid! San Francisco may pull of a wildcard, but the Seahawks are the cream of the crop in the west. Marshall Faulk predicted the Seahawks as "the team to beat" in the NFC and there are few students of the game so adept.

The last few seasons in the NFC South, the team finishing last the year before wins the next year. Tampa was last in 2006. I like the trend.

Actually, I see the Aints winning this division and my beloved Bucs sneaking in as a wild card IF Jeff Garcia has anything like the season he had last year in Philly. Cadillac needs a tune up, and I think Gruden is capable of doing it. The defense ain't what it once was (we all get older...) but drafting Gaines Adams is a step in the right direction.

My gut tells me this is the year of the Charger. But I'm gonna be watching the Ravens mighty closely. McNair is as good a QB as Trent Dilfer was, and Dilfer has a ring. One of the elite defenses in the NFL and an upgrade at RB. Pittsburg will be down, the Browns will be the Browns, and the Bangles may need to sign Burt Reynolds to field a prison team.

I expect the 49ers to contend for the NFC West. They'll be better this year. Frank Gore is a monster, and Alex Smith should be enough to keep from losing a couple close games here and there. Watch for the Giants to collapse in a tight division, and the Jets to challenge the Pats too. Lastly, look for Favre to really show his age and cost the Pack a shot at the playoffs. It's been a great ride, Brett. The Monday Night Football broadcast booth is yours whenever you're ready pal. Maintain some dignity and ride off into the sunset.

Holy mother of peanut butter, did I blow it this year or what?

Updated picks at halftime:

AFC - Pats and Colts in the Super, AFC championship, with San Diego and Pittsburgh winning their divisions. Wild cards to Tennessee and KC.

NFC - Cowboys and Packers in Championship game. Tampa and Seattle win the other two divisions. Wild cards to the Lions and the Aints after the Giants collapse...again...

Super Bowl LXII - Patriots over Cowboys 49-21. MVP to Brady after a 6TD performance.
If the giants blow up like a house of cards in a tornado again, this is gonna be one unhappy apartment. The woman is a mighty big giants fan (dare say as much of a fan as I am of the Pats) and I am not sure she can take another meltdown...

SnP, if you nailed those picks you'd be talking to us from an ESPN studio instead, so we are kinda glad you missed them!
American football, that is.

The preseason kicks off in about 10 days time and real action is 5 weeks away. Right now my love/hate relationship with the Falcons is turning to a nightmare. Vick is out; Joey Harrington is in. Warrick Dunn (running back) just had back surgery and is expected to miss half the season. They've lost defensive key players and their best receiver to injury or stupidity. The team is reeling so bad that most preseason power polls have them dropping right to the bottom four out of 32 teams. Its a complete nightmare where I really don't see the Falcons doing better than 3-13. The three worse ranked teams (Lions, Browns, Raiders) have all made bold moves in the right direction. A new coach and a new QB and a new system all sorta rushed together is just a setup for being a dead fish.

How is your team looking? Whom do you see having a shockingly good or bad year?

Damn, unc. You sure called that one right. Especially since the new QB and the new coach are out of the picture...