Football (not American, Soccer)


Staff member
I went to the Toronto FC game yesterday, they played Colorado. This is Canada's first professional football club and it's only their first season. It was an amazing game though, any of you ever been to a professional soccer game?
So many overflowing replies for the "most popular sport in the world", huh?

Soccer sucks. It's boring. These people have been trying for at least 30 years to convince sports fans otherwise. How's that workin' out for ya there Pele?
I think the British soccer hooligans are too busy in the pubs drinking or in the hospital recovering from their injuries suffered during fights in the stands to be able to come here and post about it.
Yeah, what kind of person likes a sport that doesn't stop every 20 to 30 seconds for a break.
I went to the Toronto FC game yesterday, they played Colorado. This is Canada's first professional football club and it's only their first season. It was an amazing game though, any of you ever been to a professional soccer game?

I've been to several games. The energy at the stadium is amazing. How big was the stadium you were at?

I have only watched games at our local stadium, which is mid-sized for mexican standards. It has a capacity of nearly 40,000 people, all seated.
In the Glasgow stadiums ... there aren't any seats.

Edit: Well, I'll be damned. They put seats in Ibrox.
Fuck me, Celtic too .... WTF...
Luis: The energy WAS amazing!!!

The BMO Field only seats something like 20,000 but it was PACKED (and always is apparently)

Yeah, I'm no big fan of sports, but once you're there you really start to feel the passion for the sport.

One of my uncles was talking about Estadio Azteca the other day (on of biggest if not, the biggest, in the world), he says that when you're there and it is full the vibration of the voices puts the earth to tremble. It must be something out of this world.
Talk to me when you guys get the trophy for your national sport back from us, m'kay? :kiss:

The last time a US hockey team won a championship was in 2005 when your girls beat ours.

If you were talking about the Stanley Cup keep in mind that of the 29 players listed on the Ducks team 20 of them are Canadian. There for the Stanley Cup will spend more days in Canada than all other countries combined.
soccer is one of the few sports i like, because i can follow it and know what's going on.
i went to a game once when i was like 11 as a field trip for a daycare i was in, but that was the only time.
The last time a US hockey team won a championship was in 2005 when your girls beat ours.

If you were talking about the Stanley Cup keep in mind that of the 29 players listed on the Ducks team 20 of them are Canadian. There for the Stanley Cup will spend more days in Canada than all other countries combined.

Also bear in mind that as far as I care they could fill the damn thing with Quick-Rete and sink it in Jello.

I didn't say the national origin of the players. Where has that trophy spent its last 14 years or so? Or more appropriately, in the care of teams located where?
The cup actually lives in Toronto, the majority of its time is spent here no matter who wins it.

Oh, and natinality has everything to do with it...Canadians are the best hockey players, and that is proved when teams divided by country play each other :D