For anyone who missed the Powell briefing before the UN...

I noticed that this was only an hour and a half and the original briefing was 3 hours. I guess c-span cut it short even though originally they aired all three hours.
Ah crap, RealPlayer again. I would love to see it, but I have this personal vendetta against RealNetworks.
As soon as they release their codecs to be used by other players, I'll get them, until then, no real for me. I just hate trying to keep it all from starting up.
This vendetta against Real Player is a common thing, but after a few setting changes I actually have found it less annoying than Quicktime.

It doesn't start at boot for me, only when I click on a ".ra" link. The only annoyance left is it pops up a window sometimes after I watch something which is a one-click close.
I have a vendetta against real too. Apple or Microsoft all the way thx

Let me translate that. Here's the equevolent:

I don't like the taste of shit either, it's piss or vomit all the way!