For Gonz part II


Well-Known Member
The George Bush You Forgot

Ron Paul Supports George W. Bush’s Foreign Policy

From 2000, that is, of being a “humble nation” that does not engage in “nation-building.”

Many say everything changed after 9/11. It did. America was attacked by radical Islamists, so we went into Afghanistan to route the Taliban who had aided and abetted Al-Qaeda. Virtually every American supported that mission, Congressman Ron Paul voted for it and the world was on our side in that fight.

But what really changed after 9/11 was the degree to which our government used that tragedy as an excuse to launch an unnecessary war in Iraq and to stay in Afghanistan far longer than any American would have ever imagined. It is our post 9/11 haze, and the unconstitutional expansion of Executive power that accompanied it, we created a political environment in which President Obama can now send America’s military off to Libya without so much as consulting Congress.

What George W. Bush describes in this video represents the foreign policy sanity Ron Paul would like to return to. Paul’s foreign policy is basically what Americans voted for in 2000. After a decade in Afghanistan and Iraq, most polls show that a war-weary American majority is eager to vote for the same policies in 2012.
