for ris


Staff member
where else but Kiddie Korner?

Dr. Destructo strikes again - tonight...he takes the pepper off the table and fiddles with it for a minute, I tell him to stop, he does, then he proceeds to go back in there and sneak away with it. He got it in his eyes, has been screaming for a good 10 minutes.

So I'm doing the old who's fault is this? You should have listened when mommy said don't play with the pepper, I am helping you when I say don't do things. So why do you have pepper in your eye? Who's fault is this?

he stops screaming, and looks at me...and says it's God's fault cause he made me and he made me bad so it's God's fault. :retard:
But doncha think you should at least warn them that hes coming...:rofl3:

* Conjurs an image of a 13 year old Avery throwing his bike down the courthouse steps.... :errrr:
If I did it HAS to be Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome....:lol:

Besides..It has to be better than walking into an he did to me last time....:D
Now Les....Who would have thought that you even COULD have been telling the truth? Hes only 5 for cripes sake....

I'll never doubt you again...I promise...:crying3:
nice to see the little chappie still hasn't given up on playing with all the household objects, i'd move that tabasco sauce and chili powder to a higher shelf, to be on the safe side. :D