For Spirit - 10-21 pics


New Member
Here are the pics of the girl's haircuts. I am dressed for painting and yard work/halloween decorating so my photo will have to wait until after that. I will also post pics of the halloween stuff if you are interested.
Here are the pics of the girl's haircuts. I am dressed for painting and yard work/halloween decorating so my photo will have to wait until after that. I will also post pics of the halloween stuff if you are interested.

Wow, your kidlets are getting so big! Love the haircut :)

I keep telling mine to stop growing up, but they never listen to me :mope:
Thanks, Cam.
I know what you mean....but to tell you the truth I am happy that they are getting out of the baby thing. Malory is taking her time with it but I am starting to see more and more big girl behavior everyday.
We need new pics of your girls!
Yeah, I like that they are little people now instead of babies....but does that *have* to mean they are going to be teenagers soon?

I was such a brat as a teen, and Karma dictates it's gonna come around to bite me in the bum :D

I'll have to get some more pics up of the girls soon.
Here is today's endeavors:
1 & 2. Scarecrows! The second photo shows the pumpkin Rob carved.
3. A little bit of the bayou on our front porch: The alligator made from a styro pumpkin that we bid on and won at the school's Octoberfest plus a sign I made to go with it and a voodoo-y type pumpkin.
4. 2 more pumpkins and a black kitty.
Here is a closeup of the dead guy in cemetary hill...tried to upload it but OTC seems to hate it.

You sure do have 2 adorable babies, tonks!

P.S. I'll try to post more often. I'm more of a lurker than a poster.