For the girls

Are you a girl and do you masturbate?

  • Yes, I am a girl and I masturbate

    Votes: 20 95.2%
  • I am a girl but I do not masturbate

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am a guy and would feel left out if I couldn't votw

    Votes: 1 4.8%

  • Total voters


Staff member
Ok girls, who here masturbates? I am not expecting people to answer in their post whether they do or not. Please vote though because I am VERY interested to find out the ratio.
It is something I have been wondering for ALONG time. I have no shame in saying that I do and wonder how many others do aswell (I don't care WHO they are though).
screw numbers & pictures, I wanna watch & offer any assitance possible :D
If I was a girl, I'd be a total slut. I hate to say it, but I'm pretty sure I would. Maybe a prostitute, not really a bad career path if you think about it.
If I was a girl, I'd probably be a lesbian ;). Although that's from a guy's point of view offcourse...

Now about the poll: 2 girls and 10 guys voting? :D
:rofl2: I haven't actually given it much thought what I would do if I was a girl. But come to think of it, I'm rather fond of having a dick so um, no thanks.
if i was a girl id masturbate more and also id be a lesbian slut. that way i still get girls and no guys.
LastLegionary said:
I'm rather fond of having a dick so um, no thanks.

Well, you could have more than one dick if you were a girl... they just wouldn't be yours... sort of...

*:bitchslap:s himself for even thinking about it*
I seem to have this ability to think like another individual and visualize every accompanying situation... really sucks at times like these... although there are advantages to it offcourse :brow: