Forever haunted


molṑn labé
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chcr said:
It's all Bills fault

WASHINGTON – Russia has signed a deal with Iran to sell 29 of its Tor M-1 anti-missile systems, a development that will complicate any planned pre-emptive attack on the rogue nation's nuclear facilities, reports Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin.

The sale was confirmed by a source at the Koupol military factory in Russia who claimed the deal would not violate any international agreement. That's because Moscow made a secret 1995 agreement with Washington known as the Gore-Chernomyrdin protocol, which Russian officials believes permits continued military sales to Iran.

Russian sources say the Tor system is "a weapon of defense" and does not represent a danger to the U.S. as long as Washington does not attack Iran.

Another Russian source says Iran only seeks "to defend its nuclear thermal power station" that Moscow is building in Bushehr – set for completion in 2007.

flavios favorite site

a source probably more to his liking
That is freakin' High-larious
Look at that piece of crap
let the Rooskies take advantage
of them poor oil rich Rag-heads
guess they don't realize that pile of
crap would be a smoldering dungheap
after the first Hellfire slammed into it?

We'd roll over the Iranians’ just like the Iraqi's

in mere hours
Russian sources say the Tor system is "a weapon of defense" and does not represent a danger to the U.S. as long as Washington does not attack Iran.

Moot point ,as it will be Israel that hits Iran,the US has already sold them the missiles in preperation.
Well we know that the Israelis are old time members of the Nuke club
and would like to stay the only ones in the hood with the big boom booms
The Israelis aren't a threat to the world. The same can't be said about Iran.
Winky said:
Well we know that the Israelis are old time members of the Nuke club
and would like to stay the only ones in the hood with the big boom booms

Ummm...that has never been proven.