WOOHOO-maybe the US troops from around the globe can come home because France & Germany seem to be prepared to become the worlds police.
Whole Story
An American walks up to a Frenchman & asks, "Do you speak German?"
"No?" relies the Parisian.
"You're welcome", retorts from the American as he walks away.

The EU split erupted when the leaders of eight European countries — Spain, Portugal, Italy, Britain, Hungary, Poland and Denmark and the Czech Republic — signed a letter expressing support for the United States. France, caught by surprise, was enraged, seeing it as a direct challenge.
De Villepin urged Europe to unite on Iraq, suggesting the United States could not alone ensure global security. He also rejected ousting Saddam in a rebuff to Washington and London, who say the Iraqi leader is a threat.
NATO, the bedrock of the alliance between the United States and Europe, remained paralyzed Sunday after another day of diplomatic squabbling over a U.S.-backed proposal for possible aid for Turkey in the event of war. The United States said it did not want a bitter public dispute with European allies, but France stepped up its rhetoric, saying Washington was not the sole guarantor of world stability.
Whole Story
An American walks up to a Frenchman & asks, "Do you speak German?"
"No?" relies the Parisian.
"You're welcome", retorts from the American as he walks away.