Found another one


Staff member
about 30 minutes away from here.

TORONTO - An alleged terrorist -- with links to al-Qaida and Osama bin Laden -- has been arrested in the GTA while trying to flee the country, Sun Media immigration sources say.

In one of the most significant terrorism arrests in Canada since 9/11, a man believed to be a captain of the Pakistani extremist organization Mujahedin-E-Lashkar-E-Tayyba, or LET, which is funded by Osama bin Laden and has direct ties to al-Qaida, was arrested March 16 by Canadian border service officers in Newmarket.

Intelligence sources say members of LET have been trained in Afghan terrorist camps.

Ontario immigration sources say 40-year-old Raja Ghulam Mustafa, a Pakistani national who went by the last name Murtaza, was arrested outside his home with a packed suitcase and a significant amount of cash on him.


After the arrest by the Canadian border service's Greater Toronto Enforcement Centre officers, Mustafa's residence was searched and a briefcase containing fraudulent documents and a laptop were seized, officials said.

It's believed Mustafa may have been tipped off that GTEC officers were investigating him, so he made plans to flee Canada to the U.S.

Officials told Sun Media Mustafa was "surprised" that he had been found by law enforcement.

Sources say Mustafa had already given his landlady notice that he would be leaving.

He is currently being held at the Toronto West Detention Centre.

In 1997, Mustafa was arrested in the U.S. but was released on a peace bond after he filed a claim for refugee status.


During that time, officials said he fled to Canada under a phony name. He was eventually able to secure refugee status here.
the rest here
Wow. Cancelling funds to Hamas & capturing a terrorist. What got into your guys?

this is a double WTF
In 1997, Mustafa was arrested in the U.S. but was released on a peace bond after he filed a claim for refugee status.

During that time, officials said he fled to Canada under a phony name. He was eventually able to secure refugee status here.
Scarily so.

So far so good though. He'll have to remain moderate to get the votes he needs. So it should be ok. *knocks wood*
Don't bank on it. The BQ is pretty conservative too. Provided Harper minds his P's and Q's around the PQ, they'll tend to vote with him. A lot is gonna depend on the next budget. If he plays his cards right and doesn't deficit or injure Quebec, he'll be fine. Don't forget, he didn't get many votes in Ont, so he can't tear them a new one this time round and not loose any support. The three financial giants in Canada are Quebec, Ont and BC. He's got BC, and can balance Quebec by bleeding Ont.
I just saw a recruiting ad for the Canadian Forces for the first time in forever.

You know, regardless of my joking denigration of Canada, it's good to see that they can read the handwriting on the wall.