Freakin' wildlife.


New Member
Fuckity-fuck-fuck. I finally dealt with the rat situation, but I found a smaller turd on the floor under the stairs. Watched the backyard for an hour yesterday and pinpointed the source. I have chipmunks getting into my crawlspace. I know where they're coming in and I'll block it, but I'm now seeing a couple warrens in the backyard, one of which is way to close to the pool retaining wall for comfort.

Anyone know how to deal with these little bastards? Apparently, rodent bait won't work. They'll ignore it.

All together now... Aaaaawwww!
Yeah, that'll be a great comfort to me when my retaining wall collapses and the snakes invade my house looking for the tasty food source. "At least they were cute rodents".

Take a 5 gallon bucket and fill it half full of water. Add a pack of sunflower seeds, which float. Place several 2X4 ramps up to the bucket edge, and sprinkle seeds on 'em. Critters go up the ramps, dive into the bucket for more, and discover that chipmunks don't swim. Remove corpses once a day. :evilcool:

This interweb thingie comes up with an idea or two from time to time.
HomeLAN said:
Fuckity-fuck-fuck. I finally dealt with the rat situation, but I found a smaller turd on the floor under the stairs. Watched the backyard for an hour yesterday and pinpointed the source. I have chipmunks getting into my crawlspace. I know where they're coming in and I'll block it, but I'm now seeing a couple warrens in the backyard, one of which is way to close to the pool retaining wall for comfort.

Anyone know how to deal with these little bastards? Apparently, rodent bait won't work. They'll ignore it.

OK, yer gonna have to explain what a warren is...I searched it on google and the only pic i got with an animal in it was a man with some sort of Bison...and I don't think you have Bison in your back yard...

PS. The bucket idea sounds effective but with Unc's cat you wouldn't have to clean up the corpses hopefully :D
Nixy said:
OK, yer gonna have to explain what a warren is...I searched it on google and the only pic i got with an animal in it was a man with some sort of Bison...and I don't think you have Bison in your back yard...

PS. The bucket idea sounds effective but with Unc's cat you wouldn't have to clean up the corpses hopefully :D

2 : rabbit warren --> a series of connected underground tunnels occupied by rabbits (noun.object)
BTW, I FINALLY got off my ass and set a couple of bucket traps up. They work. I trashed 2 little corpses after work yesterday.