freddy vs jason


New Member
i thought this was a good movie ,it should have been called FREDDY BEATS THE SHIT OUT OF JASON FOR A LITTLE WHILE . but it would have to be shorter .anyway i liked jason .and did you notice that kelly rowlons ,now that bitch cant act to save anybodies life .she should stick to singing :D
Freddy could'nt even kill Jason in the dream world :p Jason kicked his ass solid for the rest of the movie, and did sorta 'win' in the end. :p
Justintime said:
Freddy could'nt even kill Jason in the dream world :p Jason kicked his ass solid for the rest of the movie, and did sorta 'win' in the end. :p

yeah jason kicked azz ,i was born on friday the 13th and all of those flicks are the best, jason X though, i still don't know why they didn't use that jason instead of the old one :devious:
lilblakpup said:
yeah jason kicked azz ,i was born on friday the 13th and all of those flicks are the best, jason X though, i still don't know why they didn't use that jason instead of the old one :devious:

The best Jason was and will forever be Kane Hodder, no one does a better Jason, he really makes you feel the part though Jason never says a word. This last Jason looked more like a lanky tall boy than a massive brickhouse.