

molṑn labé
Staff member
I just notuced LL's "sig for the day".
It is better to be in chains with friends, than to be in a garden with strangers.

What a crock of shit. Freedom is the single most important thing available. With freedom comes the potential ability to make friends, a living, a better life, changes, decisions. I'd hate to be without friends but I'd hate oppression more.
Gonz said:
What a crock of shit. Freedom is the single most important thing available. With freedom comes the potential ability to make friends, a living, a better life, changes, decisions. I'd hate to be without friends but I'd hate oppression more.
Um Gonzie, I was referring to friendship ok? Not freedom. I value my friends over all, and personally would rather be in a jail WITH friends than outside with NO friends... :) That quote is NOT referring to any other freedoms, just friendship. Please don't take it out of context, neither I nor the author is happy with that.
Gonz said:
take the outside. you can make new friends. :D
That is beyond the scope Gonz, the issue is not making new friends, but having friends. That quote was referring to HAVING friends, not making new ones and not political freedom.
the issue may be having friends but, I saw a price placed on freedom. I never said political freedom. it's possible to live a relatively free life in an oppresive land...once that freedom is gone, so is all else.
What is total freedom if you can't enjoy it with others? Isn't it better to have a lasting, deep, meaningful friendship under oppression? (This is actually besides the point again)
No. Freedom is the most important thing. Period. It's better to have nothing & your freedon than to have everything & none.
So you would rather be all alone in the world with every possible freedom you can imagine than sit in a jail for the rest of your life with the best friends you could ever have? Interesting. I personally value my friendship much more. If I had to make a choice for friendship forever or freedom forever, I'd take friendship. Please don't quote me out of context on this ok?

To get back to the quote, it is about friendship. I'd rather be chained with friends and work as slaves than have all the freedom in the world and not be able to share it with anyone. I shudder to think of being all alone, no one to care for, no one to care about you, no one to talk to but strangers... Maybe its just me though, I know I'm a bit weird sometimes.
The point I'm trying to make is, without freedom, well, "all hope abandon ye who enter here." Without freedom, how do you know your friends are truly your friends? They may be forced to be your friend. Without freedom to test your friendship, what good is it?

Since it's rarely one option or the other, this is purely mental masturbation, but that doesn't dimish the possibilitites. With freedom comes all things. Without, none.
I'm gonna have to agree with Gonz on the freedom deal. I would rather be alone and free than oppressed with a bunch of people.
oh, by the way if you hang out with people who are enslaved or in jail, you need new friends anyway :D
Guys guys, I'm NOT talking about a bunch of friends, but very close, meaningful friends. And I'm not talking of jail birds either, since for one thing I was in jail and that means there is a corrupt government somewhere.

Gonz, I know a true friend when I have one. With or without liberty, there comes a point when you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is a real friend.
I know what you're talking about. I have 3 friends, one of which I married & many aquaintences. The argument isn't going back to friends, damnit, it's about freedom. :eek:
No it is not, the quote starts with friends. I'm very, very, very attached to my bloodfriend and I cannot imagine being in a world without him. I'd rather spend 80 years in jail with him than an eternity without.
I think I see more sense in what LL is saying, on this one, if I understand him right. He seems to be making a direct link between having true friends for your whole life, and happiness. I don't know whether this ties in with what you are thinking, LL (correct me if I'm wrong) - but to be with friends, in this case, means happiness.
And surely that should be the overriding factor. The context you are in - freedon or captivity - doesn't really come into it. What makes you happiest is what actually matters here.

So if having friends makes you happier than being free with no friends, then that's what you would obviously choose, and vica versa. Seems a bit of a pointless arguement actually, because everyone has different things that make them happy.