

Well-Known Member
Saw it the other day. I would rather light myself on fire and jump off a building than watch this again.

It was so bad. It was supposedly a mystery, but instead of solving it through finding clues and stuff, they just shouted at the chick until she broke down and told them what happened. The previews were so decieving. I expected a kidnapping mystery where Samuel L Jackson chases the bad guy through the woods and they have the showdown in the namesake of the movie, the Freedomland hospital. Instead, the chick screams and cries for the whole movie and has shouting matches with SLJ. They spend like five minutes in 'freedomland' and it's only to walk around before having a confrontation between the annoying chick and this other chick, neither of whom were hot. If you want a movie without a plot, this is it. But unlike other plotless movies such as 'Triple-X State Of The Union', there is nothing remotely interesting to look at. While pointless and overdone fight scenes suck, two people shouting at each other for two hours sucks even more.