freeware "will" software


Well-Known Member
Anybody know where I can get a free "will" program?
I've seen several places to do it online, but I'd rather just have a program.
Look thru the Staples/Office Depot etc bargain bins. Sometimes you'll find name brand off year stuff like that cheap. $5-$10, typically.
Hmm... I thought any document that was duly signed, notarized and registered with the proper authority (state in the case of a will, I believe) then became a legal document? I know that when my mom was dying last fall that's all we had to do for her DNR. Of course, having nothing she didn't bother with a will.

I guess it wouldn't really surprise me that some money-grubbing lawyer has to get some of your money to make this work.
Anything signed is a legal doc. Anything signed & notarized is harder to disprove.

Lawyers though will kill & eat their own, so suits over legality are nothing.
damit, I had a response typed out here, and lost it......

I had a proggy called PC Attorney, but I reinstalled since I had it installed, and
now those disks are corrupted. :(

Yeah I could just write something out and get it notarized, but there is a
standard format that most widely use, and that's what I was after

I've got my days will where we printed it out, so I guess I'll just make a Word
doc from it. I never have had luck trying to scan, and do text bridge, so
it's probably down to retyping it.