Frenzied Democrats to Run Amok in the Streets


According to those who have the inside scoop:

Elizabeth Edwards: "No riots if we win."

The wife of Dem vice presidential hopeful John Edwards said on Sunday there will be no riots around the election -- if Kerry/Edwards wins!

C-SPAN cameras captured spouse Elizabeth Edwards making the startling comments to a supporter during a Kerry Campaign Town Hall Meeting in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

Supporter: Kerry's going to take PA.

Liz Edwards: I know that.

Supporter: I'm just worried there's going to be riots afterwards.

Liz Edwards: Uh.....well...not if we win.


My oh my. Does this mean when Kerry loses the Liberals are predicted (by the very candidates they supported) to loot voting locations, pull drivers from the cars with Bush/Cheney stickers and beat them senseless, vandalize homes with Bush/Cheney yard signs, throw rocks and set police cars on fire?
Shit, they rioted during the convention. You don't know they won't do it if Kerry loses,
even by a landslide?
Not dems in general though, 'cause all dems aren't for Kerry, just all the libs. ;)
and not even all the liberals. I am more for Nader. I dont like Kerry's rep for flip flopping. But its the less of 2 evils
ResearchMonkey said:
No they did not riot, they couldn't, they were all in a big-assed cage.

Ohhhh, you mean the other convention. (my bad)

freako104 said:
and not even all the liberals. I am more for Nader. I don't like Kerry's rep for flip flopping. But its the less of 2 evils
no no, no, if you aren't for Kerry, you aren't liberal enough to be called a liberal. :D
The Other One said:

According to those who have the inside scoop:

My oh my. Does this mean when Kerry loses the Liberals are predicted (by the very candidates they supported) to loot voting locations, pull drivers from the cars with Bush/Cheney stickers and beat them senseless, vandalize homes with Bush/Cheney yard signs, throw rocks and set police cars on fire?
This certainly does have the appearance of a threat. Of course she may just be telling the truth too.