From a natural disaster to...


molṑn labé
Staff member
There has to be a new category if this holds true...

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - A powerful earthquake flattened entire villages of mud-brick homes, triggered landslides and toppled a 10-story apartment building on Saturday, killing more than 18,000 people as it devastated a mountainous swath touching Pakistan, India and Afghanistan.

This is a prime example of why spreading our influence around the world is a GOOD thing. We get earthquakes that bad here too and it's rare to lose more than a few hundred people, if even that. It's all in how the buildings are built.

them expendable people

people are people

then there's 'first world' people heh heh
Thank you New Orleans
URI, India - Angry villagers blocked roads in earthquake-ravaged regions of Indian-controlled Kashmir on Sunday, complaining the government was too slow in getting rescue and aid efforts to them.
So blocking up the roads helps get the aid in faster? ... didn't think so. Put down the banners and waggling fingers and go dig through the rubble. Either help or go fuck yourself.
You didn't hear the guy they interviewed saying that because they were so slow, they weere going to burn their trucks when they showed up? Yeah, there's incentive.
54,000 people in a small area. Sounds like a place many of us call home.

A major earthquake in most cities has the potential to kill that many people. If one is overpopulation, why is the other not?

[SnP relishing in his rural retreat]
It has the potential to kill that many people... on the east coast, where thousands of unreinforced brick buildings are hundreds of years old and weren't built with any earthquake safety in mind at all. An earthquake like that in downtown LA, where most of the unreinforced masonry buildings were already retrofitted or destroyed by a prior earthquake, might kill 1,000.