Full circle


molṑn labé
Staff member
All that speech making. All the riots. The Birmingham boycott. Medgar Evans. In the end, we're back to the beginning.

Chicago plans high school for black males
CHICAGO, Nov. 6 (UPI) -- The Chicago school district plans to open an all-boys high school primarily for black teenagers.

The Urban Prep Charter Academy for Young Men must be approved by the Board of Education this month, the Chicago Tribune reported.

Mayor Richard Daley plans to open 100 schools in the city in the next five years. Plans for the next two years include a virtual elementary school, a high school operated by the University of Chicago and a high school stressing business entrepreneurship.

Urban Prep would be located inside Englewood High School. Backers say it is aimed at a group that has the lowest graduation rate of any in the city.

"We're going to take our students where they are and help them gain admission to college and succeed once they are there," said Tim King, the founder of Urban Prep. "Clearly there is a high need for figuring out how to serve these kids academically."

© Copyright 2005 United Press International, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Gonz said:
All that speech making. All the riots. The Birmingham boycott. Medgar Evans. In the end, we're back to the beginning.

Umm...no. What we have now is rich non-minorities trying to buy down the guilt of the rich non-minorities of the past. The problem is that they're going about it the wrong way. It's about giving a hand...not a handout.
I don't believe it will really happen, there'll be too much hue and cry. I agree with Gato about the buying down of guilt though. Why do you suppose it is that the self-righteous idiots who introduce something like this don't recognize that it's just as racist as the Aryan Brotherhood or the like?
I could se that if it were Aurora. Maybe even Rogers Park. The CPS don't have enough guilt-ridden rich, minority or otherwise, to buy squat. Although, there is that pesky Mayor ;)
chcr said:
. Why do you suppose it is that the self-righteous idiots who introduce something like this don't recognize that it's just as racist as the Aryan Brotherhood or the like?

Because they honest-to-God in their hearts belive that unless the perpetrator is white, it isn't racist. If you guys ain't experienced that beast, you will. Whites are hated in some places worse than blacks or other "minorities" ever were.

I better shut up now 'fore I start gettin' accused again.
So Gato whuts all this talk aboot guilt aboot?

Tell you whut, the influx of
(english isn't their primary language)
i.e. illegals, into the phx metro area public schools
has resulted in the standards (measurements)
of scrhool performance to plummet to mind boggling levels.

Now the schools in the richy rich parts of town that has
segregation due to income levels have the highest test scores in the country, yeah and they is predominately white fer sure fer sure...

yep whites are one sixth of the werlds poopulation
and nearly 100% of the werlds accomplishment
SouthernN'Proud said:
Because they honest-to-God in their hearts belive that unless the perpetrator is white, it isn't racist. If you guys ain't experienced that beast, you will. Whites are hated in some places worse than blacks or other "minorities" ever were.

I better shut up now 'fore I start gettin' accused again.

Too late... :p

That being said...I'd rather deal with the most rabid racist than the person who's "just trying to help". I at least know the racist's motives, and can adjust accordingly. That's just me, though. Some folks are get ecstatic being thrown the bread crumbs from "the master's table". I'd rather bake my own loaf...