Full House actress marries

I think Tonks' idea of losing the bustier involves putting something else on instead though :p
Her boobs look like they're being shoved into her to make them look taller and accentuate the cleavage.
They're boobs Inky. Your just supposed to like them, not think about them so much. :D

But then when I get her in the bedroom and find out her boobs aren't what she made them out to be... well, I'd find a way to make do, but still.
Kinda like parsley beside your veal parmesan. It's all in the presentation. Then, after you take a few seconds to admire the presentation, you dive in.

Oh, I completely understand. I have added garnish to my own plate many a time. I was just presenting a reason why 2minkey would find those tits silly.
It not like she likely wears that kind of dress on a daily basis. The photo is tagged as being a publicity shot at a restaurant opening. Theres always a little fair in such things.