Fun at work


100% Pure Canadian Beef
There was a debate at work over the names of certain childrens show, it caught on, and we ended up playing children's show themes over the intercom, we might continue doing it, everyone was smiling, a big change for a monday.
I wore flip-flops to work for a while last summer... having to walk long distances quickly to take pictures of grass fires cured me of that, once my feet and calves quit hurting me enough that I could actually move to get back to the car.
"Wear Flipflops To Work" day was fun.


Dude, why would your bosses even think that was a good idea?! Standing all day in flip flops...ick

Oh, and what we do for amusement at work is manipulate the desks of people who are on vacation (especially if they're in europe or somewhere exotic)...the last guy who went away we adhered his coffee mug to his desk :D

The guys are also fans of flinging elastics, I got one in the back of the head one day when I told one of our seniors that I didn't have time to do a job for him but "X is sitting downstairs talking to Y, you should ask him" hahaha I got the elastic in the head from X and kudos from Y for a successful pass off :D
we drink beer on fridays starting around noon... we have no dress code (i mean really, like i wear flip flops often), and i can show up smelling bad if i want to. and i want to. often. and of course we do shit like seeing who can roll an orange down the hall the farthest.
we drink beer on fridays starting around noon... we have no dress code (i mean really, like i wear flip flops often), and i can show up smelling bad if i want to. and i want to. often. and of course we do shit like seeing who can roll an orange down the hall the farthest.

Tsk, tsk, tsk. Don't you know that a lemon is much more challenging. :devious: :grinyes: