Fun WIKI links

Hey Paul? How's your Mama's gefilte fish? I want to cook it and, being a heathen gentile, I am unsue of how to proceed. I want to make it the way an ex co-worker's (Russian Jew) Mama made it - from the jar with onions, carrots, beets, and cooked with beet juice. Does that sound familiar to you?

I got a brief how to from another lady at an ebay group I moderate....but I'd like your input.
If Rob likes it I may try making the fish from scratch...but the recipes I've found are so unclear as to the consistency I am trying to grind the fish to, etc....I need a Jewish Grandmother!
What the hell would Wiki know about good smoked meat?

jsut so long as they're not recommending that crap they serve at Nickle's.
It is common to eat "head" over here too, including sheep, cow and goat.
Hey Paul? How's your Mama's gefilte fish? I want to cook it and, being a heathen gentile, I am unsue of how to proceed. I want to make it the way an ex co-worker's (Russian Jew) Mama made it - from the jar with onions, carrots, beets, and cooked with beet juice. Does that sound familiar to you?

I got a brief how to from another lady at an ebay group I moderate....but I'd like your input.
If Rob likes it I may try making the fish from scratch...but the recipes I've found are so unclear as to the consistency I am trying to grind the fish to, etc....I need a Jewish Grandmother!

wow your co-workers moms receipe sounds disgusting, lol

how does my Mama make it?

ok, got a pen?


Ok, first she gets in the car, drives to the store, and buys it, then she drives home, cuts it up, and serves with horseradish, the way a REAL jewish mama cooks, lol

My mom has no clue how to cook actually, the kind I prefer is the log kind, it is moist, but not sitting in any kind of brine etc. it is whitefish minced with carrots and some spices, molded, cut and served.
So you don't like beets?
I have never seen it at the store when it wasn't in the she buying it from a deli or something?