fury and anyone else...php question


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to determine how I can see which machines are online on my local network. My method is a web frontend using the Pear libraries of php to ping the machines. However, I can't seem to get right arguments to make it work. Have you ever used Pear's NetPing?

I've tried just using exec, but I can't seem to make ping go fast enough to load the page (I'm talking 40-50 machines).

The more I think of it, the more I think I'll just use a perl script to ping the machines itself and keep a database record which the frontend could view. There might be some concurrency issues I'd run into with that though.

Any other ideas?
You got me on this one.
I've been using a homemade combo or the ping command, and a macro.
I've been working on a program that will do it, and log it, but I have'nt
had time to work on it in a while. (using vb5)