gamers are social multitaskers

yay iver broken the whole men cant do more than one thing at a time!!!!!!!!!!! :applause: to me! seriously i think it might have some valid points. thinking while acting(need to make decisions in the video game), making sure you press the right button and what not.
many of them writing papers, then taking short breaks to play computer games and send online messages to friends.
*scoffs* that's not multitasking! That is performing tasks in succession :retard:

writing the paper while playing the games and IMing and nursing a baby while helping the older children with their homework and petting the dog and talking on the phone all while dinner is safely cooking and dessert is baking... that is multitasking! :p
Impressive... Can you pat your head and rub your chest too?

And can I watch? :brow:
so how is blowing up a ballon while mopping the puppypooing room for multitasking? :lol2:
Thats just doing two thing at once. All you need is a long handled mop and a big pair of...err...lungs :brow:
steweygrrrr said:
Thats just doing two thing at once. All you need is a long handled mop and a big pair of...err...lungs :brow:
it's not when you have a 5 year old and 2 puppies helping :tardbang:
Now would that be the puppy animal or the other kind :brow:

Try typing notes, updating settings and grovelling while having your manager and an abusive customer on the line talking to you.
I tend not to think when i play games. I stare blankly as if i was a zombie and ill do that for about 12 hours...
