Gator lawsuit settled


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Lawsuit over pop-up ads settled

NEW YORK (AP) --The nation's largest news publishers have settled a dispute over an Internet advertising practice in which unauthorized, third-party ads pop up on and other news sites.

Terence Ross, the lead attorney for the publishers, on Friday declined to release terms of the settlement reached this week.

The parent companies of The New York Times, USA Today, The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post and the digital arms of Knight Ridder and Conde Nast were among news outlets that sued Gator Corp. in June over its pop-up ads.

U.S. District Judge Claude Hilton in Alexandria, Virginia, had granted a preliminary injunction ordering Gator to stop delivering pop-up ads at the sites run by those companies. Trial was to begin last month.

Ross would not say whether Gator can still serve pop-up ads over the news sites, or whether the settlement included any payments. Officials at Gator, based in Redwood City, California, did not return calls or e-mail.

Internet users get Gator advertising software when they install a separate product for filling out online forms and remembering passwords. Gator also comes hitched with free software from other companies, including games and file-sharing programs.

As users surf the Web, Gator runs in the background and delivers advertisements that plaintiffs said obscured their own ads and content.

Though the Gator ads are marked "GAIN" -- for Gator Advertising and Information Network -- publishers worried that consumers did not know the difference and would instead blame the site for an unpleasant experience.

Gator, which claims 30 million active users and 500 advertisers, has contended its pop-up windows are no different than what happens when a user runs instant messaging, e-mail or other programs in separate windows while surfing a Web site.

Gator still faces lawsuits from United Parcel Service, which said unauthorized pop-ups have included ads for rival FedEx Corp., and from Six Continents Hotels, which operates Holiday Inn and Crowne Plaza and complains that Gator directed visitors to deals from Marriott and other competitors.

Freakin Gator jerkoffs. Do you know how many computers at work have this crap on it? The only thing worse than Gator is my users who download it and then complain that they have pop ups. If they complain and then I find Gator on their computers, I leave it there as punishment. :whip:
Gotta suck if you're a sysadmin. As for myself, well i only have to deal with it every time i try out some new p2p app or something which is like every other day. The advantage of having a preconfigured firewall so those damn things don't bother me every time i 'accidentally' install them.:)
Still using WIN NT4? I know you can lock IE in WIN2K so that users cannot load any program on their computer.
greenfreak said:
With the exception of managers, everyone is setup as a Power User and therefore, can't load any software. :evilcool:

So how is Gator getting on your work comps? I'm a little confused.

And all my school network computers are set up with user accounts so that students can't load any software either...uh-huh right.:D
Sorry, I should have specified that that's the Windows 2000 setup only. I only have 2000 on new pc's and ones that come in to be reconfigured. We have so many machines with even 95 still on it, it's crazy.