Gay pub wins right to ban straights


Well-Known Member
Tue May 29, 10:16 AM ET

MELBOURNE (Reuters) - An Australian hotel catering for homosexuals has won the right to ban heterosexuals from its bars so as to provide a safe and comfortable venue for gay men.

In what is believed to be a first for Australia, the Victorian state civil and administrative tribunal ruled last week that the Peel Hotel in the southern city of Melbourne could exclude patrons based on their sexuality.

Australia's equal opportunity laws prevent people being discriminated against based on race, religion or sexuality.

But Peel Hotel owner Tom McFeely said the ruling was necessary to provide gay men with a non-threatening atmosphere to freely express their sexuality.

"If I can limit the number of heterosexuals entering the Peel, then that helps me keep the safe balance," Peel told Australian radio on Monday.

McFeely said that, while the hotel welcomed everyone, its gay clientele had expressed discomfort over the number of heterosexuals and lesbians coming to the venue in the past year.

He said there were more than 2,000 venues in Melbourne that catered to heterosexuals, but his hotel was the only one marketing itself predominantly to gay men.

Victoria's state human rights commission backed the ruling, saying it was in line with equal opportunity guidelines defending the rights of groups subject to discrimination.

Commission chief Helen Szoke said the hotel's gay clientele had experienced harassment and violence. "(They) also have felt as though they've been like a zoo exhibit with big groups of women on hens' parties coming to the club," Szoke told reporters.

McFeely told the radio that the hotel had received homophobic telephone calls since news of the ruling was made public.

I wonder how long it will take for some Islamic radical cell to use it in one of their speeches as proof of the vileness of western society.
On second thought, who wants to hang around in a place infested with fagots? If that keeps them away from other places, then let them be.
Not unless they were blowing each other off in the can, is hasn't. More importantly .... not legally.
If it illegal to discriminate, it is illegal to discriminate.
If they want a private club, they should make one with memberships etc.

Hotel bar is a public accessed space, and what they are trying to do is segregation, plain and simple.

If any hotel chain tried banning gays from their bars lawsuit city, what is good for the goose is good for the gander.
Indeed. IMHO a business owner should be able to make that decision for himself if he can justify a reason for it.
I would be fighting this whether the owner was straight and banning gays, or as it is gay and banning straights, wrong is wrong.
Popular clubs discriminate at the door all the time. Never heard of bouncers letting celebrities, VIPs, and hot girls past the velvet ropes while sending the dorks packing?