Gay to the bitter end?


Well-Known Member
It seems that the last two remaining male Blue Ducks in existence have shunned the last remaining female Blue Duck in existence for -- each other.

So here it is, the law of the survival of the fittest in action.

Ben fittest Jerry, and Jerry fittest Ben while Cherry remains -- well -- cherry.

Blue Ducks likely to die out in UK after male birds get together
Attempts to breed a rare species of duck to avoid extinction in the UK have backfired after the only two remaining males fell for each other.

By Caroline Gammell
Last Updated: 4:43PM GMT 10 Mar 2009


Keepers at a bird sanctuary in West Sussex hoped that the last remaining female Blue Duck in the country - called Cherry - might mate with either of the drakes, Ben or Jerry.

But neither male duck appeared interested and are now inseparable at the Arundel Wetland Centre, leaving Cherry to her own devices.

Centre warden Paul Stevens said he was disappointed that efforts to produce new Blue Duck offspring had failed but said the two male birds made "a lovely couple".

"They stay together all the time, parading up and down their enclosure and whistling to each other as a male might do with a female he wants to mate with," he said.

"People who visit the centre think they're a fantastic couple, without really coming around to the idea that they are two males.

"They both have very big personalities and people come from all over the country to come and see them.

Cherry doesn't seem bothered by it, she's just happy to keep herself to herself."

Blue ducks originate from New Zealand but there were thought to be just three birds in the UK.

Keepers initially introduced Ben to Cherry, but neither seemed keen. They then brought Jerry down from a sanctuary in London.

Mr Stevens said: "Cherry showed some interest in him. She displayed typical mating behaviour - she approached him and called to him, she even looked like she was nesting.

"We thought it was great and it was all going to happen but nothing ever did."

Mr Stevens said the male ducks were then placed in the same enclosure: "To our surprise the two males really took to each other and it was obvious that they really liked each other.

"It would have been nice to get a last clutch of eggs from Cherry but Ben and Jerry do make a lovely couple."
2 males & one female, invariably leading to the continuation or destruction of a species? I certainly does.
No it doesn't. You'd have to see what caused there to only be 3 of this species left in the first place.
Irrelvent. That was a discussion for 6 years ago. Today, there are only 3.
Irrelvent. That was a discussion for 6 years ago. Today, there are only 3.

Completely relevant as the reason there are only 3 is the reason the species is in trouble.

It'd be like if killer bees wiped out an entire state except for 1 person and that last person died choking on a carrot you wouldn't say the state was wiped out by a carrot and ignore the bee issue.
Artificial insemination? Kill one of the male ducks so he'll get with the female? Let them die out in Britain? Import a mating pair from NZ? Point and laugh.

I'll go with "Point and laugh."...
Even if the girl and the guy mated, who's the offspring going to mate with? You're looking at a family tree that doesn't branch off.

The person below me is going to make a Redneck joke