geeeeezzz I'm sooooo tired ...


Well-Known Member
All I want to do is put my head on my desk and take a quick nap ... only 1 hour to go .. 1 hour to go then I can go home and take a half hour nap before the littlest skittle comes home from Virginia ... then it's another series of dropping off skittles at practices and making dinner .... geeeeeezzzz I'm sooooooo tired ...

All I want to do is put my head on my desk and take a quick nap ... only 1 hour to go .. 1 hour to go then I can go home and take a half hour nap before the littlest skittle comes home from Virginia ... then it's another series of dropping off skittles at practices and making dinner .... geeeeeezzzz I'm sooooooo tired ...


Why is that "skittles" plural? Does baby skittle have practice today?
Why is that "skittles" plural? Does baby skittle have practice today?

She supposed to have hula but she just informed me that she doesn't want to go *duh* .... she further informed me that she wishes to have hot dogs, poi, rice and lomi salmon for dinter .. :D