Geek heaven

Anyone else find the golden (aurea) reason fascinating?

Phi = 5^.5*.5+.5 = 2cos(pi/5)

Phi^-1 = Phi - 1
Phi^2 = Phi + 1

If you could measure the lenght of your falanges and call them 1,2,3 and 4 (being 1 the largest one and 4 the shorter) you'd find that
1/2 = 2/3 = 3/4 = Phi

Same with the 3 bones (let's call them 2) of your arms, and the length of your femur and ..... (the one below the knee).
Yeah, but we're talking about Pi, not Phi.

Although that was one of the most fascinating aspects of the Davinci Code, it goes into a little detail about the golden ratio in there. It's not just bones, but the ratio of male to female bees in a hive, and bunches of other things that just occur that way in nature.
PuterTutor said:
Although that was one of the most fascinating aspects of the Davinci Code,

*knew about it long before the Da Vinci code ;)
*has never read the book btw

Leslie is totally freaked out now, she suggested me to post that here, but I was lazy and didn't write everything here.
I thought of a great geometry problem in my sleep last night (I have weird dreams, so what?). 3 equal circles (call them A, B and C) are all tangent to each other. A line segment from the center of circle A to the tangent point of circles B and C is 6 units. What is the area in terms of pi (trying to multiply it out in your head is where I draw the line of sanity, which is probably too far anyways) of the space between the 3 circles (blue area)?