General Myers is a wimp


Well-Known Member
Watch him, the guy absolutely will not put reporters in thier place. He tells them they're wrong but refuses to rebuke them and their bullshit sources. So each false claim is left hanging even after his correction. It pisses me off. Who ever heard of a passive general?!
He's Air Force. What the hell did you expect. :lol:

Anyone remember a guy named Schwarzkopf? Now there was a guy who had a set. He didn't like you, he let you know. :lol:

Waiting for Gato to start digging me a new ass. :lol:
PostCode said:
He's Air Force. What the hell did you expect. :lol:

Anyone remember a guy named Schwarzkopf? Now there was a guy who had a set. He didn't like you, he let you know. :lol:

Waiting for Gato to start digging me a new ass. :lol:

Didn't wait too long, eh?

He's playing the press that way because the press has a nasty habit of crucifying those who disagree with them. Schwarzkopf, who won the first war, wasn't giving many press conferences while he was in the gulf, so he didn't get the stupid questions...Powell did.
