Genetic promiscuity


New Member
This guy is a right idiot.

FRESH SPARKS flew last month when a study of more than 16,000 people from every inhabited continent found that men everywhere — whether single, married or gay — want more sexual partners than women do.
“This study provides the largest and most comprehensive test yet conducted on whether the sexes differ in the desire for sexual variety,” wrote lead researcher David P. Schmitt, an evolutionary psychologist at Bradley University in Peoria, Ill. “The results are strong and conclusive — the sexes differ, and these differences appear to be universal.”

Not because of what he is saying, but because his data doesn't suggest shit. Either argument could be made on the basis of those results.

Eagly and Regan argue that men’s and women’s sexual choices and desires grow more similar in societies with greater gender equality — a contention supported by Schmitt’s own data.