geneva convention


Well-Known Member
today in my morals/ethics class we learned about the geneva convention as being international law but that even america wasnt abiding by it. somewhere in here i read that were the only ones who do. is it international law or not?? are there consequences for violating it? and do any european countries actually follow it?? im really confused.
That would be me who said that. It's a figure of speech really. It's abided by many countries out there. As far as I know, all the EU countries abide by it as well as Russia, Canada, and many Far Eastern countries as well. The point I'm trying to make is that these countires that don't have agreed to the laws it sets forth, then turn around and break those very laws they agreed to. SO, why should we abide by them when those who break those laws go unpunished? If they do get "punished", it's not a hanging as it should be.
The rules of the Geneva Convention are concerned with certain rules of warfare. Even war has to have rules, otherwise it gets even uglier.

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