Georgia strikes down beer law

That explains why when we played there it seemed like too many bathroom trips for not enough buzz.
*Ding-dong, the witch is dead, the wicked witch is dead*

*Does a little jig around the room*

Now, if the fuckers would only allow on-line ordering and direct shipments...
Wait, Unc - is Georgia one of the other 3 states (besides Oklahoma) that has crappy watered-down 3.2 domestic beer? (previous to the new ruling)?
No 3.2, but limited on the top end, so things like triple-bocks weren't available here.

Guess the legislature suddenly woke up to the fact that it isn't 1880 anymore (we can only hope).
that'll be fun to hunt down the beers you can actually drink :toast:

lemme know of the good ones you find along the way, the day will come when i'm finished breastfeeding :D