Getting out of hand


molṑn labé
Staff member
I really really hate it when cops embarrass our country like this. Now if this were some fine upstanding Europeans, Canadians or Aussies, you'd never see antics like...oh, sorry.

A group of drunken off-duty police officers forced American students to kneel on the ground at their Fremantle dormitory while taunting and humiliating them about the United States involvement in Iraq.

The incident is one of several being investigated by police internal affairs after a wild night in two of the port city's popular night spots involving seven WA police and two NSW officers.

Some of the worst behaviour was inflicted on patrons at the Orient Hotel, where one of the officers vomited across the bar after the drunken group was refused service.

Witnesses said a German barman was abused and insulted with nazi salutes. Earlier, the men told drinkers they were "above the law" because they were police.

in situations like this citizenship doesn't matter much of a asshole is an asshole...and these guys were assholes. :shrug:
It's just nice to find stories that don't say "look at the stupid Americans" :shrug:
I had an uncle that was a cop (he's dead now). He was a drunk... and was a bigot as well (he was NOT my favorite uncle and I avoided him at all costs). His first wife left him because of his verbal abuse when he was drunk.

I think cops have a crappy life, always seeing the bad side of life, but it is not an excuse to do what these guys did (nor is this an excuse for my uncle).

My uncle drank himself to death. Died on the operating table when the doctors were trying to save his liver (cirrhosis of the liver). His last words to my grandmother were, not to be upset, that he did this to himself. And he did. I don't feel sorry for him at all.

Wow... that was way off topic.
Gonz said:
It's just nice to find stories that don't say "look at the stupid Americans" :shrug:

Then you're gonna love this one.

Web-cheat student to sue university
By Lucy Sherriff
Published Friday 28th May 2004 20:36 GMT
A student who was booted off his degree course for plagiarism is to sue the university. He says tutors at the University of Kent should have spotted what he was doing and stopped him sooner.

Michael Gunn, a 21-year-old English student, freely admits using material downloaded from the Internet to complete his assignments. He told the Times: "I hold my hands up. I did plagiarise. I never dreamt it was a problem."

His problem, then, is not that he was caught, but that he was caught too late. He argues that the university should have warned him of the consequences earlier.

"I can see there is evidence I have gone against the rules," he concedes. "But they have taken all my money for three years and pulled me up the day before I finished. If they had pulled me up with my first essay at the beginning and warned me of the problems and consequences, it would be fair enough."

University authorities wouldn't comment directly on the case stressed that the university is very clear on the subject. David Nightingale, the deputy vice-chancellor said: "All students are given clear guidelines as well as practical advice and support as to what constitutes plagiarism. These spell it out that it is not acceptable under any circumstances." ®
