
Keepin' it real?

"The game is played like monopoly, but the object is to put crack houses or project buildings in some of the worst neighborhoods in America while trying to avoid being carjacked, shot, or drug addicted. There are ghetto stash and hustle cards, and the seven game pieces include a pimp, a prostitute, a machine gun, malt liquor bottle, basketball, marijuana leaf, and a rock of crack cocaine. "

There is plenty of outrage going around about this game, but these are the same racial stereotypes glorified by hiphop performers who make the big bucks off the under-25 crowd. And they are worshipped for the images they present, not boycotted. I wonder what the difference is? ;)
I think the people who take offense to the game also take offense to the rap artists who convey that image...
yeah, uh huh, i think they got this thread in entertainment. fuck em if they can't take a joke......cuz it's A JOKE. no one is going to base their future on a fucking board game and if they do they deserve what they get......assholes...
just give people some frigging credit. i'd say over half of the population, at least, is intelligent to know the difference between a board game and life. and fuck them if they don't. i'm sick of all these mollycoddling pantywastes that wanna tell me what i can and can't find amusing!
im down wit da homiez ya heard.....repasent biatch.

If black people can laugh at it and enjoy it then some crackers ass biatch shouldn't have any trouble accepting it.....
...except that they do.......

them crackers be pissin me off.....that's mad gangsta.
a13antichrist said:
WTF? Which planet are you living on?
do you find me too generous in my assumption? still, if you can't figure out that a board game is just a game you deserve what you get.
tonks said:
do you find me too generous in my assumption? still, if you can't figure out that a board game is just a game you deserve what you get.

A full functioning place in society with a good job like many of the present douche bags......

Man...ignorance is bliss.