Girl Scout swaps


New Member
So tomorrow marks the beginning of Girl Scout day camp and Rob and I are both working it. Friday is a huge party day and that is the day that the scouts do their swaps.
This is our first experience with swaps. They are little...things that can be pinned to a hat (in this case) or shirt or whatever as a memory piece. We are 90% finished with ours and I must say it quite appealed to me.
Here are examples of what we've made for Marlowe, Malory and myself to swap with the other campers (Rob says he will refrain from the festivities):

My favorite - wine cork penguin

Pain in the fucking ass magic wands

Bottle cap spiders

Bottle cap cast iron skillet with bacon and eggs

Foamy flowers

And lastly, Rob's origami animal cracker boxes - sorry for lousy pic

All of these have a safety pin on the back for attaching to the hats.
The animal cracker box baffles me...what is it made out of? How is the design on it?? The rest I can figure out the general method behind their construction.

They're all VERY cool btw.
Nix, basically it's an unfolded box shape printed out onto slighly thicker computer stock paper and cut out. The handle is white ribbon attached through slits in the paper and glued together.
ah, I never thought of printing the design from the computer :D I kept thinking "How did Unc shrink down the animal cracker box?!" haha
ahh! i love swaps! i love the little spiders and frying pan especially.
i remember doing swaps, but my troop always did really lame ones -- we'd like, cut out a square of foam rubber, and like, stamp it with a cheap ugly rubber stamp... and voila. our swaps sucked compared to most of the ones we got in return.
i think i still have my swap-hat somewhere...
I read this, having recently read a wife-swapping story and I gotta tell ya ..... that gutter's getting mighty deep.
Those animal cracker boxes are a downright pain in the ass. It took about 4 hours of fine detail work to properly cut out the whole 25. Then I spent another 2 hours making the slits for the handles, feeding the handles through, and then gluing them in place. Then I spent 90 minutes making all of the intricate folds in the paper that will make the final box shape. Tonight will be an initial gluing to make the outer frame square. Then I will have to carve up 35 mini bubblepaper squares to stuff inside them to give them something to hold a shape against. Then I will have to make all of the tabs and slots fall into place and glue the top down. Then I will have to attach the safety pins. It should clock in at nearly 12 hours when its all finished.

...but they really are cool.
ahh! i love swaps! i love the little spiders and frying pan especially.
i remember doing swaps, but my troop always did really lame ones -- we'd like, cut out a square of foam rubber, and like, stamp it with a cheap ugly rubber stamp... and voila. our swaps sucked compared to most of the ones we got in return.
i think i still have my swap-hat somewhere...

I never got to do it the summer I went to Girl Scout camp. I am sooo doing it this time!
Those animal cracker boxes are a downright pain in the ass. It took about 4 hours of fine detail work to properly cut out the whole 25. Then I spent another 2 hours making the slits for the handles, feeding the handles through, and then gluing them in place. Then I spent 90 minutes making all of the intricate folds in the paper that will make the final box shape. Tonight will be an initial gluing to make the outer frame square. Then I will have to carve up 35 mini bubblepaper squares to stuff inside them to give them something to hold a shape against. Then I will have to make all of the tabs and slots fall into place and glue the top down. Then I will have to attach the safety pins. It should clock in at nearly 12 hours when its all finished.

...but they really are cool.

awwwwwww you're such a sweetheart to do that for the girls!
Today was swap day! Lots of fun. Our swaps were very popular!

Here's Mar in her swap hat (with olive alien fingers):


And me in mine:

ah cool. I like the yield sign.

When my brother was in cubs we went to camp with them once to help out and my mom and I got to do the different activities with them and that year everyone got a string and each activity had different beads and at the end you had a necklace, it was cool.