Girl scouts dig the abortion clinic


molṑn labé
Staff member
This is not about your feelings/thoughts on abortion, per se.
This is not about your feelings/thoughts on God, god or gods.

This is about adults taking children, under his/her charge, to places that are not appropriate. It's about agendizing children. Potentially placing them in harms way. Making things like abortion seem natural & commonplace.

Why can't kids be kids anymore?

Brownie Troop 7087 leader Donna Coody organized the meeting amid an anti-abortion boycott of the Girl Scouts' famous cookie fund-raiser, which is scheduled to begin booth sales on Friday.

Coody said her daughters did not belong in an organization that sponsored a sexual education event where children received literature saying homosexuality and abortion are acceptable.

The Bluebonnet Council of the Girl Scouts, an organization including 6,000 girls in 14 counties, is under fire in a spot airing on a Christian radio station for sponsoring the Nobody's Fool annual meeting at Planned Parenthood and recognizing its chief executive, Pam Smallwood, as a Woman of Distinction.

"That's not who I want as a role model for my daughter," said fellow Crawford-area mom, Lisa Aguilar, who said her 10-year-old, Caelie, broke down into tears when her parents explained Planned Parenthood's role in abortions.

Waco Tribune
link's bad...but if i catch what you're talking about...wrong, wrong, wrong. :disgust2: