girl scouts, the new plague

Do you think the Girl Scouts should be working with Planned Parenthood?
why is it that there's a million you tube videos about the "bad things" that girl scouts teach but nowhere are there any details... just more links to more jesus-fascist people saying that there are bad things happening...?
the CEO? what?

is the girl scouts a governmental organization? no? then they may associate with anyone they choose to. parents can choose to let their kids be in the girl scouts if they wish. or not the organization is not in line with their "community standards."

now, you gonna show us how there is a coherent and effective thrust within the organization to turn girls into aborted fetus machines?
You didn't watch the video & you won't answer the question.

No wonder we think you're a liberal
i did answer the question. it's a voluntary association. no one is compelled to join the girl scouts. if they can use materials from planned parenthood to help educate kids, that is fine with me.

i'd really like to understand what the kids are learning from PP if anything. hopefully not too much. we would certainly not want them growing up believing that they are anything other than breeding vessels, to pop out little mutants to homeschool into the ways of ignorance and blame-chucking. lather, rinse, repeat.

i did watch the video. there is one instance of some lady saying they have worked with PP. is this the CEO you are referring to? is that the big win for inbreeders?

you have not come up with SHIT.

again, i ask...

can you substantiate a claim about a relationship between PP and the girlie scouts?

"substantiate" means describe what that relationship is, not simply nominally assert that there is one based on what that lady said. did they pass out flyers on how to kill babies? did they provide lesson plans for sex ed? what was the content?

nope you don't wanna know that. it's too much, and it might not say what you want it to.

my old boss spent a lot of time in china. he must be a communist.

you live in (*barf*) the armpit of the universe. you must be a shiftless, cranky old union slug.

i once had a class in world religions. obviously i joined them all.

someday you may understand the difference between a nominal and a substantial relationship.

until then, just keep pissing.
No, you didn't answer the question. You skirted around it & played word games, as usual.

I'm not defending this guy, nor his stance. I've not looked into it. I've heard him speak about it & there are some serious allegations. I do not think that the Girl Scouts need to be associated with an abortion factory.

As is typical, you're too smart to say anything that commits you, unlilke GSUSA CEO Kathy Cloninger, who says she's partnered with PP.
"that is fine with me" seems clear enough. you didn't pick that up? or was it just that i offered other objections to what you seemed to think before your latest post?

but you asked "do i think they should."

and the answer is no. i do not think any particular organization should be involved - or not involved - with the girl scouts. it is up to the parents to participate to the extent that they know what their children are being taught. if they can't do that, well, they are selfish shitbags that should not have children.
Why is this an issue?

Because it ends up here. That is the end result of "Healthy, Happy and Hot".

Funny, Margaret Sanger started this to thin the darkies. Why do the libs continue this?
yes the uneducated ones do seem to be making lots of little bastards.

"However, unwed childbearing isn’t the norm for all young women. In fact, for the college-educated it is still very uncommon. The majority of births are instead to women with a high school diploma or less."