Glitch revisited (new chapter)


Too cute for words
Okay, so today someone comes up to me at work and says, "So and so says you were singing and playing guitar at your Halloween party and you were really good. I didn't know you could do that." (Guess I'm only supposed to know about computers) Well, one thing led to another and we were talking music. I said I enjoy playing blues as much as anything and he asked who i liked. I named a few and told him my favorite was a girl singer and bass player form Tucson. If you heard her sing "Black Velvet" you'd throw away your Alanna Myles record (yeah, I know they aren't records anymore, I'm old). So tonite, I'm fixing a cd boombox for a friend (progeny stuck a paper clip in the headphone jack), I go to the cd collection and grab one at random. You guessed it, Alanna Myles. *insert Twilight Zone theme again :)* These things have to be coincidence. Surely I'm not the only one this shit happens to.
it happened but wiht smaller shows and never at work. i went up to a girl and started talkting to her(she was in leather underwear basically). turns out she was the keyboardist for Luxt. i spoke to one guy who turned out to be a guitarist for a band.happened at Phantasmagoria which is a small assed club that closed down now.
I keep getting major deja vu. In fact, about 70% of my dreams come true within a year. Scary as hell. Back in High School, I had a dream about a hot girl at a debate tournament giving arguments about how we couldn't possibly rely on anything but the DoE to enforce education standards. The next weekend at a debate tournament it hit me--I was in the same room as the dream, the girl on the other team was wearing the exact same thing in my dream, and in a minute she gave the exact same argument, word for word, as what was said in my dream. I surprised my partner by pulling evidence to contradict her argument before she even said it. There have been other things too, like hearing names of people in my dreams weeks before I meet them.

There are other dreams which I can only hope stay as such.

*listens to Black Velvet for old times sake* :D
Mirlyn said:
I keep getting major deja vu. In fact, about 70% of my dreams come true within a year. Scary as hell. Back in High School, I had a dream about a hot girl at a debate tournament giving arguments about how we couldn't possibly rely on anything but the DoE to enforce education standards. The next weekend at a debate tournament it hit me--I was in the same room as the dream, the girl on the other team was wearing the exact same thing in my dream, and in a minute she gave the exact same argument, word for word, as what was said in my dream. I surprised my partner by pulling evidence to contradict her argument before she even said it. There have been other things too, like hearing names of people in my dreams weeks before I meet them.

There are other dreams which I can only hope stay as such.

*listens to Black Velvet for old times sake* :D
Why don't you dream about lottery numbers or something useful like that?????? :D