Global Redistribution of Wealth. [surprise]


Well-Known Member
Global warming is a ploy for redistribution of the worlds wealth?

If you needed any more evidence that the entire theory of manmade global warming was a scheme to redistribute wealth you got it Sunday when a leading member of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change told a German news outlet, "We redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy."

Busted, well.... actually they freely admit it now.
Gee, nobody saw this one coming.
brilliant. just the fact that the word 'redistribution' came up means it's all commieville, doesn't it.

why come you don't have a tattoo?

wow. i must have been a commie when i recently said "capitalism is the most effective means of redistributing wealth the world has ever seen."

trust me, all this ain't gonna result in money pouring into africa. there is money pouring into africa to do things like extract resources, but it ain't the little guy african that's gonna be getting the cash.
Capitalism does not redistribute wealth. I'm saddened to see you are thinking like a commie. I'm more saddened to see you don't realize it.

Redistribution takes what is & spreads it around.

Capitalism creates new wealth. Those who participate get some. Those who don;t do not.

End of class.
laughing my ass off gonz.

oh noes, it's one of those loaded words!!! i just knew you'd chomp down on that one.

and yes, capitalism is a social mechanism of redistribution. it moves - redistributes - money.