Global Warming Alert


molṑn labé
Staff member
The average surface temperatures of the Great Lakes are at their highest in five years. Readings in the 60s and 70s from all but Lake Superior already are warmer than they were during last summer's most comfortable mid-August swimming days.

Don't tell anyone but we've already surpassed the number of 90 degree days for the last two or three years, combined. I bet the lakes get even warmer & then, are you ready?, I also bet they freeze like ice this winter. *shock, awe*

Keep in mind that anecdotal evidence is all that keeps science alive.

ANCHORAGE, Alaska - Anyone doubting the effects of human activity on global climate change should talk to the people it affects in Alaska and the Yukon, U.S. Sen. John McCain (news, bio, voting record) said Wednesday.

"We are convinced that the overwhelming scientific evidence indicated that climate change is taking place and human activities play a very large role," McCain said.

Village and Town of Hempstead workers began clearing and carting away dead fish from East Rockaway waters Thursday as nearby residents questioned the cause of this week's massive kill.

About 1,000 pounds of fish were removed from Mill River and carted off to the American Ref-Fuel incinerator in Westbury, said Dennis McCabe, the East Rockaway acting clerk-treasurer. "Tomorrow, we'll get the rest of the fish," he said.

Several thousand fish were found Wednesday floating in the village's Mill River waterway.

Experts, including state and town officials, declared on Wednesday the die-off was from natural causes: heat reduced the oxygen in the water that, according to government officials, reached an unusually high 84 to 86 degrees.

"Our readings [on Wednesday] showed the oxygen level in the water to be under 1, where 2 is the acceptable level," said Ron Masters, Hempstead's commissioner of conservation and waterways.

They're looking into pollution but so far think it's due to the water temps and the full moon tides pulling more water than normal into the river.
Rockaway is the next island next to the one I live on. Between this stuff, the possibility that it was pollution and riptides that have claimed at least 2 lives at my beach this year, I don't swim in the ocean.