Global warming...


molṑn labé
Staff member yesterdays news. Just wait for the loonies to get ahold of this.

SAN FRANCISCO - Earth's north magnetic pole is drifting away from North America and toward Siberia at such a clip that Alaska might lose its spectacular Northern Lights in the next 50 years, scientists said Thursday. Despite accelerated movement over the past century, the possibility that Earth's modestly fading magnetic field will collapse is remote. But the shift could mean Alaska may no longer see the sky lights known as auroras, which might then be more visible in more southerly areas of Siberia and Europe.

I bet it's because Henry Ford hated Jews or something.

I like global warming ....during the winter. It's the summer that's a bitch. :lloyd:

I wonder what acreage is going for in the Antarctic right now...Might be a good investment. :nerd:
catocom said:
I like global warming ....during the winter. It's the summer that's a bitch. :lloyd:

I wonder what acreage is going for in the Antarctic right now...Might be a good investment. :nerd:

Yeh right.....down to 27 degrees last night. Believe it or not, global warming is the reason for even cold weather.
kat2220 said:
Yeh right.....down to 27 degrees last night. Believe it or not, global warming is the reason for even cold weather.
That's what they tell you.
That's what I keep hearing. Did you know that virginity is caused by sex? ;)
kat2220 said:
Yeh right.....down to 27 degrees last night. Believe it or not, global warming is the reason for even cold weather.
When I was in the 6th grade around 1974.... I remember standing outside
the school, waiting for them to open the doors.
For a solid week it was like 1-2 deg F.
Later when we moved here where I live now, somewhere around 1978-1983
it was like that again.
I don't think it's been that cold, that long, since. :shrug:

The jet-stream is moving around, but I hear some scientist saying it's like
on a 30 year cycle, and not due to global warming.

IMO Some science is like polls....You find the right scientist, and he'll support
whatever "theory" you have. (one way or the other)
IMO Some science is like polls....You find the right scientist, and he'll support
whatever "theory" you have. (one way or the other)
Unfortunately, a lot of "science" is that way. You have to try to separate the wheat from the chaff (there is real science out there but the media only reports stuff that will garner ratings, regardless of veracity), and it's not always easy to tell. It's fairly evident that the planet's climate has been oscillating between warm and cold on both long term and short term cycles for millions of years. I find it pretty arrogant of us as a species to say that A) We're causing it "this time" or B) We can do anything at all to stop it from happening. There are no doubt millions of factors involved in the climate of which we are unaware or that we ignore because we don't understand how (or even that) they affect it.
chcr said:
It's fairly evident that the planet's climate has been oscillating between warm and cold on both long term and short term cycles for millions of years. I find it pretty arrogant of us as a species to say that A) We're causing it "this time" or B) We can do anything at all to stop it from happening. There are no doubt millions of factors involved in the climate of which we are unaware or that we ignore because we don't understand how (or even that) they affect it.

Exactly. Precisley why the doomsayers should be laughed at. We've been using fossil fuels, lots of them, for somewhere in the neighborhood of a hundred years. If we caused global warming, why did the last ice age end?
Gonz said:
Exactly. Precisley why the doomsayers should be laughed at. We've been using fossil fuels, lots of them, for somewhere in the neighborhood of a hundred years. If we caused global warming, why did the last ice age end?
Hundreds? try thousands.... :nerd:
Oil lamps were used as far back as at-least 2000 years I think.
catocom said:
Hundreds? try thousands.... :nerd:
Oil lamps were used as far back as at-least 2000 years I think.

2000 years ago the streets of Damascus were lit with these. It was the NY of its day.
The green house effect is a real repeatable effect and it will with time influence weather patterns especially severity of storms, and drought, and sea temperatures. However, the poles have been changing directions for years. Only recently the movement has been more dramatic. The Earth's magnetic poles have shifted directions before, this isn't a new discovery by any means. There is also evidence to support the fact that as the polarity shifts it gains speed as is it pulled across the wider equatorial range. The most likely out come of an increased shift in polarity is confusion in compass driven navigation and weakening, in some areas specifically nearest to the equator, of the magnetic field which helps block out some of the sun's more potent rays and particles. Individually, the green house effect and the polar shifts would not be a real concern but together they are troublesome combination. Mostly because it warms the ocean and that has a dramatic effect in the power of storms such as hurricanes. It is by no means a “doomsday scenario” unless you are the ones effected by the storms and drought, then it tends to be a little more personal.
Although, drought & storms have always occured, in all weather shifts & patterns. Due to human nature, they'll always be "the worst I've ever seen"...until the next one.

Global warming may be occuring...however, to imply mankind has anything to do with it is purely egotistical. If we can start 'em, we can stop 'em. We can't.
Gonz said:
Global warming may be occuring...however, to imply mankind has anything to do with it is purely egotistical. If we can start 'em, we can stop 'em. We can't.
yep, I hear some scientist that says the sun rays do 1000 times the damage that mankind will ever be "able" to do.
So if we stop it all here...we all still gonna die. :nerd: