Glutton for Punishment


New Member
So, apparently moving my house to my apartment wasn't enough and I got sideswiped into helping my sister move from Alabama back home to Florida.

It started with me volunteering to go help my mother and my brother with the move with the hope my boyfriend would want to go with us so I could show him one of the areas I grew up in.

Since the vehicle we were taking (a small pickup) could only hold two people, if Bill (my bf) didn't want to go in his car then I was going to stay as well.

Well Bill was like, "Did you just say the 'm' word?" and decided he had other things to do, so it looked like just my mom and my brother were going out on this adventure.

Around 10:00 Saturday night my mom calls. Travis (my brother) got into an argument with her and he decided that I was going, not him.

I'm told I have to be at my grandparent's to pick up the truck at 6:30 in the morning. I fall asleep around 2:00 in the morning and am up at 5:30. So far this is going just like I hoped it would :(

I meet my mom at grandma's (I'm 20 minutes late) we grab the truck and head out. For the next six hours we make the trip to my sister's place. The drive up there isn't bad, no rain, and my mom and I spend a lot of time just talking and hanging out.


Then we get to my sister's apartment. Everything is boxed up and ready to go, but at first glance there is no way all her stuff is fitting in that tiny truck. She starts calling U-Haul and I start making plans to sleep on the floor of her apartment. We're not there 30 min and already I'm going to have to stay the night while my mom drives back to Florida because she has to work the next day.

Turns out renting a U-Haul would cost anywhere from $150 to $500 depending out what we'll need and what they have. U-Haul is no longer an option.

So we start packing up the back of the truck. I'll be damned if we didn't get everything to fit. We throw a brand new tarp over the back of the truck, tie everything down, and go grab a bite to eat.

We'll just say lunch wasn't exactly a big success and leave it at that.

Back to the truck, and off we go.

5 miles down the road we have to stop for the first time to fix the tarp.

15 miles after that we have to stop for the second time to fix the tarp.

This is just not working out. No matter how or where we tie the tarp down it pops up.

Well, no biggie, it's not raining and so long as the tarp doesn't blow off, we'll be fine.

It starts raining.

Now I'm on the side of the highway, getting soaked by rain, chanting "I'm in a good mood" over and over again, wishing I could light up a cig, but knowing I can't smoke in grandpa's truck, still trying to tie the damn tarp down.

We make it to the next rest stop and I get out, undo and redo every knot and hold down we have. The eyelets where the ropes go are ripping out, one of the ropes has broken, and the tarp is beginning to shred to pieces.

I spend 10 minutes in the restroom trying to use a hand dryer to reduce my shirt from "wet" to "damp".

We're barely 1/4 of the way home.

After one or two more stops we decide to hell with the tarp. At this point it's not raining anymore and if her stuff does end up getting wet, well, next time she'll get a U-Haul in advance won't she?

As we're about to ditch the tarp a highway patrol officer pulls up behind the truck. After assurances from us that we don't need his help, he peals off leaving us choking in his dust.

We have to stop not a half mile down the road when another tie down breaks. Thankfully we don't have to stop again after that, and about 3 hours later then we had hoped, make it back to my grandparents house.

But wait, there's more.

Mom has to work the next day. Since I don't it's been decided that I will take the truck to my mom's house (about 45 min away), have it unloaded by my brother and his slacker friends (more about them in another thread I think), and drive the truck back before I can go home.

Mom takes the key to the truck off her key ring and puts it in the ignition. Because the truck is off and the door is open the truck starts beeping, so mom takes the key out of the ignition and sets it on the shifter housing.

The next thing I hear is my mother go, "Shit." and burst into tears. Seems there is a small crack in the shifter housing just big enough for a single key to slip through. We're now stuck in the middle of the road outside her parent's house at 11:00 at night.

Mom thinks she has a screwdriver in her car that we can use to get the key. While she's doing that, I'm looking through my trunk for a screwdriver as well when my grandmother comes outside. (She just had a pacemaker put in not two days before which is why we didn't want to wake anybody)

I explain to her what's going on and she grabs another key for the truck. We all chat for a minute then go to leave only to discover that my mom has now locked her keys in her car. Between sobs all you can make out is that she's tired and just wants to go to her boyfriend's house to get some sleep.

Well, thankfully grandma has a spare key to mom's car and the day was saved. I dropped off the stuff and made it home by 1:00 in the morning.

I swear by the fabric of the universe (which has to be polyester) that I will never move again. If I do, I'm just buying all new stuff. If I can't fit it in my pocket, I don't need it.

tits mate, have some beer and kick your feet up with some tv.

moving always blows....
This is just not working out. No matter how or where we tie the tarp down it pops up.

Ya know, I helped her load that truck when she moved up there, and put the tarp over it and tied it down and she didn't have any problems with it. Hmm.... Musta been those years of scouting-- or maybe it's the bondage fetish, who knows?-- but at least I know how to tie a knot. ;)
Ardsgaine said:
This is just not working out. No matter how or where we tie the tarp down it pops up.

Ya know, I helped her load that truck when she moved up there, and put the tarp over it and tied it down and she didn't have any problems with it. Hmm.... Musta been those years of scouting-- or maybe it's the bondage fetish, who knows?-- but at least I know how to tie a knot. ;)

Let's talk more about this bondage fetish ... :D
kuulani said:
Let's talk more about this bondage fetish ... :D

I think it must be genetic. I swear my daughter's been tying knots since she was two. If I can find it, I'll post the pic of her pooh bear tied up with a jump rope. :rolleyes: