Goat incident


PT, we already knew...some anonymous member of the Goat Lovers Forums sent us uncensored pics of you and a black mountain goat :D
sorry multiple aspect images! Theres even the one from the police helecopter showing you running with your hat over your genitals!
No shit, I didn't get copies of that one, I mean, not that it exists, but, um, well, Define "Relations"
6 entries found for Relation.
re·la·tion ( P ) Pronunciation Key (r-lshn)
A logical or natural association between two or more things; relevance of one to another; connection: the relation between smoking and heart disease.
The connection of people by blood or marriage; kinship.
A person connected to another by blood or marriage; a relative.
The way in which one person or thing is connected with another: the relation of parent to child.
The mutual dealings or connections of persons, groups, or nations in social, business, or diplomatic matters: international relations.
Sexual intercourse.
Reference; regard: in relation to your inquiry.

The act of telling or narrating.
A narrative; an account.
Law. The principle whereby an act done at a later date is considered to have been done on a prior date.

The definition of relations is not the matter in question here young man :handsonhip: did you or did you not have sexual intercourse with these goats? :spank:
did ( P ) Pronunciation Key (dd)
Past tense of do1.

do1 ( P ) Pronunciation Key (d)
v. did, (dd) done, (dn) do·ing, does (dz)
v. tr.

To perform or execute: do one's assigned task; do a series of business deals.
To fulfill the requirements of: did my duty at all times.
To carry out; commit: a crime that had been done on purpose.

To produce, especially by creative effort: do a play on Broadway.
To play the part or role of in a creative production: did Elizabeth I in the film.
To mimic: “doing the Southern voice, improvising it inventively as he goes along” (William H. Pritchard).

To bring about; effect: Crying won't do any good now.
To render; give: do equal justice to the opposing sides; do honor to one's family.
To put forth; exert: Do the best you can.

To attend to in such a way as to take care of or put in order: did the bedrooms before the guests arrived.
To prepare for further use especially by washing: did the dishes.

To set or style (the hair).
To apply cosmetics to: did her face.
To have as an occupation or profession: Have you decided what you will do after college?
To work out by studying: do a homework assignment.
Used as a substitute for an antecedent verb: He can play the piano, and I can do that, too.
To travel (a specified distance): do a mile in four minutes.
To make a tour of; visit: “ [He] did 15 countries of Western Europe in only a few days” (R.W. Apple, Jr.).

To be sufficient in meeting the needs of; serve: This room will do us very nicely.
Informal. To serve (a prison term): did time in jail; did five years for tax fraud.
Slang. To cheat; swindle: do a relative out of an inheritance.
Slang. To take (drugs) illegally: “If you do drugs you are going to be in continual trouble” (Jimmy Breslin).
Slang. To kill; murder.
Vulgar Slang. To have sex with; bring to orgasm.

v. intr.
To behave or conduct oneself; act: Do as I say and you won't get into trouble.

To get along; fare: students who do well at school.
To carry on; manage: I could do without your interference.
To make good use of something because of need: I could do with a hot bath.

To serve a specified purpose: This coat will do for another season.
To be proper or fitting: Such behavior just won't do.
To take place; happen: What's doing in London this time of year?
Used as a substitute for an antecedent verb: worked as hard as everyone else did.
Used after another verb for emphasis: Run quickly, do!

v. aux.
Used with the infinitive without to in questions, negative statements, and inverted phrases: Do you understand? I did not sleep well. Little did we know what was in store for us.
Used as a means of emphasis: I do want to be sure.

:p anymore comebacks?