GOD and atheists?!?!?!?!?


Well-Known Member
God is always a taboo subject anywhere it is brought up, something about the idea of a supreme being watching and judging our every action seems to incite people into righteous doings to benefit mankind....That puzzles me.

Is the idea of god so instilled in the masses that charity is bestowed upon the less fortunate out sheer goodwill even though, supposedly, it should really be done to appease god. That people do good things because god would have it so but at the moment of the generous act god doesn't even cross the mind..only the weird gooey feeling of joy is there? or do people still only do good to keep the big guy smiling and peachy? I hope it is the former because the latter really is a depressing state of thought and being.

Do you believe in god? Explain why or why not?

What is your opinion of an atheist? Are atheist wrongly portrayed in society as hedonistic, promiscious, sadist, pseudosatanic sinners or do they just know better?

What about religion? your views on it?
As an atheist I find it disturbing the number of people who "know better". My lack of belief it not superior nor inferior to those who believe. We stand in exactly the same spot. I can no more prove a deity's non-existance than they can prove the opposite.

Religion never hurt anybody & has done wonders to advance mankind.. It's the zealots who are dangerous.
cough* not biting cough* :D I just seen enough to know there ain't no god, too many bad things happen for me to see the 'good' of it all. Religon was made to have a stranglehold on mankind, well it was comprimised that way many centuries ago, originally it was a mans feeble mind coming up with an explanation of life and how things are as they are, "there must be a higher power" he said, bull! Of course i ain't knockin whoever wants to be a believer, as i said everyones entitled to their own opinion, of course i won't be too shocked if there really IS a god since i suck so much and am wrong most of the time :laugh:
just so there's no misunderstanding, I wasn't directly referring to you-it just looks that way
cough* not biting cough* I just seen enough to know there ain't no god, too many bad things happen for me to see the 'good' of it all

So if no good = no god in your case.
I believe there is something, but I also believe it's closer to what is described as "the Force" in the star wars movies than any god of religeon.
Gonz said:
As an atheist I find it disturbing the number of people who "know better". My lack of belief it not superior nor inferior to those who believe.

i agree pretty much wholeheartedly with that, gonz.

my lack of religion makes me no better or worse than those with a clear faith. i will not presuppose that my choice is superior to those with strong religious belief and can understand how fulfilling and life affirming faith can be.

many things lead me to the realisation that i am an atheist, and the day that i realised and accepted that within myself made me understand better the person that i am.
I more or less agree with Gonz, except that I truly do not understand how thinking people today can espouse a belief in a supernatural entity in overall control. I do not believe these people are in anyway inferior or less intelligent, just that they (like most people) want to believe in something greater than themselves. I simply see no evidence and no requirement for such a being. I also don't believe "hedging your bets" (an argument I hear from time to time) is a good enough reason to espouse a faith you don't truly have.

The one thing I find most offensive in religious people who wish to discuss this is their assumption that my faith in the lack of a god cannot possibly be as strong as their faith in one.
Buttcrackdivine said:
God is always a taboo subject anywhere it is brought up, something about the idea of a supreme being watching and judging our every action seems to incite people into righteous doings to benefit mankind....That puzzles me.

Is the idea of god so instilled in the masses that charity is bestowed upon the less fortunate out sheer goodwill even though, supposedly, it should really be done to appease god. That people do good things because god would have it so but at the moment of the generous act god doesn't even cross the mind..only the weird gooey feeling of joy is there? or do people still only do good to keep the big guy smiling and peachy? I hope it is the former because the latter really is a depressing state of thought and being.

Do you believe in god? Explain why or why not?

What is your opinion of an atheist? Are atheist wrongly portrayed in society as hedonistic, promiscious, sadist, pseudosatanic sinners or do they just know better?

What about religion? your views on it?

i believe in deities per se. i do not believe in a single god. i was raised atheist. i found spirituality in wicca and magic and the elements