God help us all...

Yeah, but it mesmerizes Ted. This is one active little bugger, and if they're on, you can count on him sitting in one place, quietly, for 30 minutes. He even has drool running down his chin.

After 30 minutes of the Wiggles, so do I, but that's a different story.
unclehobart said:
whats a wiggle? *said the man with no children*

It's a group of four men wearing black pants, black boots, shirts in bright primary colors, and very ernest expressions. They sing, they dance, they entertain small children...

I wasn't sure at first whether they were gay, or just British. Come to find out, they're Austrailian, so... :gay:

:p ;)
But you all are far worse, Brits created *gasp* Teletubbies!!! :eek: and then shipped it over here! Evil! :eek:
Leslie said:
But you all are far worse, Brits created *gasp* Teletubbies!!! :eek: and then shipped it over here! Evil! :eek:

And unfortunately we released Tom Green upon the world ,my apologize to everyone.
:laugh: yes, everyone deserves an apology for Tom Green :headbang:

Bob the Builder isn't bad, it at least teaches something, a few construction terms, how to make nice, but Teletubbies is utterly inane. :retard:
As are the Wiggles. However, they're astoundingly popular. I once saw a live show clip on Disney of those guys. It was a stadium show, and it was freaking packed. It's like they're the Beatles for Australian toddlers.

Ards, it's drool. I'm sure that in my anesthetized state, I'd drown in vomit. BTW, just how flaming is that ship captain guy, anyway?
Can we fix it?? Yes we can!![/siz]

Bob the Builder rocks! :headbang:

I can't wait for him and Wendy to hook up. She's sooooo cute. (I hear her sister's pretty hot too, but I missed that episode.)

(I feel a little sorry for the kids who watch the show and get this great attitude about how neat it is to build new things. Boy are they in for a rude awakening. It never shows Bob hanging out down at city hall for five hours trying to pull a building permit, attending county commission meetings where he's caricatured as a greedy developer, having his building site picketed by a bunch of tree-huggers, or having to file enivornmental impact statements that take longer to research than it takes to actually build the project, etc, etc, etc...) :rolleyes:
bodge the builder, cowboy extraordinaire :rolleyes:

never see him doing anything designed by an architect do you? that's dumbing down the importance of good design in buildings. bloody cowboys... ;) :D
Leslie said:
unclehobart said:
Canada needs to apologize for Bryan Adams as well.
I think we're more sorry aboot Corey Hart and Glass Tiger ;) :D

I like Bryan Adams ... one of the things that unc and I differ in opinion on .. but you're right Leslie .. what was Canada thinking with Glass Tiger? :D
ris said:
bodge the builder, cowboy extraordinaire :rolleyes:

never see him doing anything designed by an architect do you? that's dumbing down the importance of good design in buildings. bloody cowboys... ;) :D

You were expecting Howard Roark, I suppose? ;)
unclehobart said:
Canada needs to apologize for Bryan Adams as well.

*bitchslaps Unc* Bryan Adams is GREAT! If you don't apologize I'll beg Na to bitchslap you aswell and she has a MUCH stronger slap than I!