Gods And Generals


Southern Discomfort
This may come as a surprise to many of you, but I enjoy studying the era of history surrounding the War For Southern Independence... :D

This is not a new movie. It is one I had heard many good things about, and finally got around to renting this week. It is part one of a trilogy the director is doing, and covers only up until just before Gettysburg.

This is, far and away, the most accurate depiction I have ever seen...of both points of view. It does not preach, but if you watch it and pay attention to what is said/not said, who says/doesn't say it, and what actually happens vs. what you thought happened, you will learn many things. And it is not biased to either side...for a change. Overall, incredibly accurate in its content, theme, and storytelling.

Another slight difference is that it does not rely on the overused Hollyweird idea of a solitary soldier's plight, or of a family torn by competing allegiances within. The main character in this installment is Stonewall Jackson, and he is brilliantly and honestlyportrayed. Robert Duvall turns in the finest portrayal of General Robert E. Lee I know of. One also gets to see the genesis of several "catch phrases", such as the Rebel Yell. It shows the true motivations of both arguments (Union and Confederate alike) without judging either. Refreshing to say the least.

Gonz...I expect a three page report on my desk by the end of grading term. :lloyd:
Saw it thought it sucked donkey balls (the acting & the story were atrocious) I was truly disappointed. I wanted it to be good.
Come watch it with me and the missus sometime. I'll point out the things you missed. We'll even make funnel cakes...it'll be fun.
I bought that on DVD way back when. I specifically remember dragging the entire family to the movie theater with me because I couldn't drive at the time. Intermission came and everyone heaved a sigh of relief. When I looked over and said "Uh uh guys, we ain't done yet" they all kind of got a leeeetle ticked.

Then the guy behind me kept 'explaining' what was happening to his wife...badly. My mom noticed my reaction, so she started asking me questions so I could answer them the right way.

Ever since, she's gone with me to every Gettysburg, and even dressed up last year. two years ago we went to Sharpsburg, and this summer we plan on visiting good 'ol VMI.

I adore the movie. It's what got me hooked on studying about Jackson. And I do just love watching Burside look like an ass.
The picture is becoming clearer. If you're a Civil War nut, it's a great & wonderous movie, full of truth & light & with its release, mankind will become fuller & better rounded.

If you think it's that time period is merely interesting, the movie sucks.
Gonz said:
The picture is becoming clearer. If you're a Civil War nut, it's a great & wonderous movie, full of truth & light & with its release, mankind will become fuller & better rounded.

If you think it's that time period is merely interesting, the movie sucks.

Not that simple.

it's the most historically accurate film I have seen concerning the WFSI. Granted, the more you know of the war going in, the better you'll be able to keep up with the what's and why's and how's.

FTR, I do not consider myself a "Civil War" (God I hate that misnomer) nut. More of a historical researcher, budding no less.
SouthernN'Proud said:
Not that simple.

it's the most historically accurate film I have seen concerning the WFSI. Granted, the more you know of the war going in, the better you'll be able to keep up with the what's and why's and how's.

FTR, I do not consider myself a "Civil War" (God I hate that misnomer) nut. More of a historical researcher, budding no less.

Have you seen 'Gettysburg:Three Days of Destiny'? It's definately a low budget film, aka the acting is horrible, but it is quite accurate. I bought it last year at the re-enactment.
No I haven't. It's on my list though, as are the other two this guy did. If they're anywhere near as good as G&G was, I'm buying the whole set.
It was a good way to spend $20. 'Gettysburg' by the same director is also a great film. Is the third one even out? I've read the book but heard nothing about the movie.
Oh wow a Gods & Generals thread. I love this flick.
Stephen Lang was absolutely amazing as Stonewall Jackson. It's one of the few performances that put me to tears(that and Liam Neeson as Oskar Schindler). Although i don't know the history of the man and just how accurate the movie really is i can say that if the films depiction of him is accurate i am glad he didn't live to see the south defeated.
I've never been a Ted Turner fan but after watching this one i say bravo to the man. Can't wait to catch the next two installments on the big screen.
FluerVanderloo said:
It was a good way to spend $20. 'Gettysburg' by the same director is also a great film. Is the third one even out? I've read the book but heard nothing about the movie.

I don't think the film you're referring to is a part of the Gods & Generals series. As far as i know Part deux hasn't hit the bigscreen yet.
The video store I got G&G at had three different films named Gettysburg. I'll see if one of them has the same director.

My favorite line from the movie was Lee's reaction when he heard the extent of Jackson's injury: "Jackson's lost his left arm, and I've lost my right." Brought a chill.
There is a 'Gettysburg' that came out before Gods and Generals that is considered part of the trilogy. It's got Jeff Daniels still as Chamberlain I believe and Stephen Lang as Pickett. Same director as the one who did Gods and Generals.

Hopefully The Last Full Measure will come out soon.
Just watched this again for like the 30th time. Still waiting on Gonz's book report. I wanna hear some things get defended.
I hated it. Some of the worst acting I've ever seen. I wanted to like it but it was (is) awful.